![]() プロジェクトリーダー | プロジェクトメンバー
岡田 章 | 一橋大学 名誉教授 |
後藤 玲子 | 帝京大学経済学部 教授・一橋大学名誉教授 |
吉原 直毅 | Professor, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
国本 隆 | Associate Professor, School of Economics, Singapore Management University |
神林 龍 | 武蔵大学経済学部 教授 |
青山 知仁 | 一橋大学経済学部 客員研究員 |
平⽥ ⼤祐 | 同志社大学経済学部 准教授 |
メンバーの⼤まかな専⾨分野により「ミクロ理論班」と「規範班」に分かれて各分野のフロンティアにおける研究を展開しつつ、2つの班のメンバーがHitotsubashi Summer Institute、ワークショップや研究会にも相互参加することにより、学際的な研究の推進と研究成果の広範な発信にも努める。ミクロ理論班は、「メカニズムデザインと情報設計」、規範班は「理論的・実証的観点からのセンのケイパビリティアプローチの経済学的定式化」を今年度のテーマとする。関連した国際ワークショップ、シンポジウムの開催、および、論⽂の公刊を予定している。
実施イベント Events/Seminars
Risk, Uncertainty, and Decision 2023 (共催:京都大学)(2023年6月23-25日)
第13回Decision Theory Workshop(共催:一橋大学経済学研究科・京都大学)(2023年7月1日)
Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (2023年8月3-4日)
第14回Decision Theory Workshop(共催:SWET)(2023年8月11日)
HIASセミナー(2023年11月2日, 2023年12月7日, 2024年3月25日)
International Workshop on Learning in Misspecified Models and Beyond(2024年2月15-16日)
発表論文 Published Papers (peer-reviewed)
Akira Okada, “A Dynamic Climate Negotiation Game Achieving Full Cooperation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 214, (2023), 657-669, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2023.08.019
Takashi Kunimoto・Rene Saran・Roberto Serrano, “Interim Rationalizable Implementation of Functions,” Mathematics of Operations Research (2023), forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1287/moor.2022.0202
Yi-Chun Chen・Takashi Kunimoto・Yifei Sun, “Continuous Implementation with Payoff Knowledge,” Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 209, (2023), 105624, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jet.2023.105624
Takashi Hayashi・Noriaki Kiguchi・Norio Takeoka, “Temptation and self‐control for the impure benevolent planner: The case of heterogeneous discounting,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 26, Issue 1, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1111/jpet.12674
Saptarshi Mukherjee・Nozomu Muto・Arunava Sen, “Implementation in undominated strategies with applications to auction design, public good provision and matching,” Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 216, (2024), 105783, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jet.2023.105783
無藤望, 「支配されない戦略によるメカニズム・デザイン問題」, (2023), 『現代経済学の潮流2022』, pp. 123-150, 東京大学出版会, https://doi.org/10.11398/keizaigakuchoryu.123
宇井貴志, 「予想に働きかける政策をゲーム理論で考える」, 経済研究, (2023), 第74巻, 第1&2号. https://econ-review.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/all-issues/74/1and2/er.ar.033323
国際会議等での報告 Presentations at Conferences
Norio Takeoka, “Constrained Optimal Discounting,” 2023 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and Southeast Asia, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (July 28-30, 2023)
Nozomu Muto, “Eliciting Preferences in Random Satisficing Model,” 2023 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and Southeast Asia, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (July 28-30, 2023)
Takashi Kunimoto, “Compellingness in Nash Implementation,” Canadian Economic Theory Conference, Simon Fraser University (May 5-7, 2023)
Takashi Kunimoto, “Robust Implementation in Rationalizable Strategies in General Mechanisms,” 22nd SAET Conference, University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and the FIAP Jean Monnet Paris (July 17-21, 2023)
Hiroki Shinozaki, “Efficient and strategy-proof multi-unit object allocation problems with money: Decreasing incremental valuations with income effects,” The 7th Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory, Kyoto University and Waseda University (October 25,27, 2023)
Takashi Kunimoto, “Compellingness in Nash Implementation,” Australasian Economic Theory Workshop, University of Melbourne (February 8-9, 2024)
Yuichi Yamamoto, “Under and Over-confidence in a Correctly Specified Model,” International Workshop on Learning in Misspecified Models and Beyond, University of Tokyo (February 15-16, 2024)
その他(受賞など)Others (Awards, etc.)
Yuichi Yamamoto, Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory
発表論文 Published Papers (peer-reviewed)
後藤玲子「脱一元化論理にもとづく正義理論の展望」、日本哲学会編『哲学』74号、知泉書館、pp. 31-46(2023年4月)
Naoki Yoshihara, “Overarching Economic Theory and Economics Education in Times of Crisis,” forthcoming in Evolutionary and Institutionary Economic Review.
Jon Cogliani・Roberto Veneziani・Naoki Yoshihara, “The Dynamics of International Exploitation,” forthcoming in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.
S. H. Kawak・Naoki Yoshihara, “Sraffian Indeterminacy of Steady-State Equilibria in the Walrasian General Equilibrium Framework”, forthcoming in Metroeconomica.
Roberto Veneziani・Naoki Yoshihara, “The general equilibrium effects of localised technological progress: A Classical approach,” Journal of Mathematical Economics 109, December 2023, 102904.
Manfred Kerber・Colin Rowat・Naoki Yoshihara, “Asymmetric majority pillage games,” International Journal of Game Theory 52, December 2023, pp. 1009-1035.
Roberto Veneziani・Naoki Yoshihara, “The measurement of labour content: an axiomatic approach,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 212, August 2023, pp. 392-402, doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2023.05.016.
Naoki Yoshihara, “Correspondence between exploitation and profits in general neoclassical production economies,” in Marxism 21, 2023, V.20-1, pp. 67-102.
S. H. Kwak・Naoki Yoshihara, “A simple example of Sraffian indeterminacy in overlapping generation production economies,” Communications in Economics and Mathematical Sciences 2, 2023, pp.44-57, 10.50906/cems.2.0_44.
著書 Publications
Reiko Gotoh (ed.) Dignity, Freedom and Justice, Springer, forthcoming.
国際会議等での報告 Presentations at Conferences
Reiko Gotoh・Ryo Kambayashi, “Capability Approach to Freedom of Mobility, and Mind: An Empirical Challenge,” International Symposium – Integration of Brain Science and Social Science for Well-being and Agency, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University (September 30, 2023)
Reiko Gotoh, “An Empirical Challenge of Capability Approach,” HDCA 2023 Conference in SOFIA, Bulgaria (September 13, 2023)
Reiko Gotoh, “Dialogue and Capability–Towards Respect for Diversity and Dignity—, Invitation to Dialogue – Economic Philosophy and Educational Dialogue, Cambridge University (August 7, 2023), Online
Reiko Gotoh・Ryo Kambayashi “An Empirical Challenge of Capability Approach and Philosophy,” (Co-organizer with Norihito Sakamoto) Dialogue between Philosophy and Economics: Taking Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-being Seriously in Its Formulation and Measurement for Social Evaluation, Teikyo University (February 8, 2024)
Naoki Yoshihara・Se Ho Kwak “Sraffian Indeterminacy of the Walras-Neumann Equilibrium in Economies with Joint Production,” in 2024 Annual Meeting of Eastern Economic Association, Boston (March 1, 2024)
Naoki Yoshihara, “An updated progressive report on Marxian economic theory: Beyond Okishio’s classical contributions,” in Okishio Conference at Toyama University, November 11, 2023.
Naoki Yoshihara・Se Ho Kwak “Sraffian Indeterminacy of the Walras-Neumann Equilibrium in Economies with Joint Production,” in 2023 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Political Economy, Tohoku Gakuen University (October, 2023)
Naoki Yoshihara, “Production Prices and Walrasian Intertemporal Competitive Equilibrium Prices in a Generalized Neoclassical Production Economy”, ICIAM 2023 TOKYO, Waseda University (August 23, 2023)
Chiaki Moriguchi, “Meritocracy and Its Discontents: Long-run Effects of Repeated School Admission Reforeforms,” Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference, University of Manoa, Hawaii (February 18, 2024)
研究成果 Research Outcome
本プロジェクトは、「社会科学の総合」を標榜しつつ、メンバーの大まかな専門分野の括りにより「ミクロ理論班」と「規範班」に分かれ、ゲーム理論、意思決定理論、社会的選択理論、メカニズムデザイン論、経済哲学、経済史学、労働経済学等の多様な研究領域のフロンティアにおける研究を展開し、国際的な業績を蓄積してきた。2つの班のメンバーはHitotsubashi Summer Instituteで協働するとともに、定期的なワークショップや研究会にも相互参加することにより、学際的な研究の推進と研究成果の広範な発信にも努めてきた。
Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2022 (2023年11月13日)
発表論文 Published Papers
林 貴志・武岡 則男, “Habit formation, self-deception, and self-control”, Economic Theory (2022)
Ignacio Esponda・Demian Pouzo・山本 裕一, “Corrigendum to “Asymptotic behavior of Bayesian learners with misspecified models”[J. Econ. Theory 195 (2021) 105260]”, Journal of Economic Theory (2022)
平⽥ ⼤祐・糟谷 祐介・Kentaro Tomoeda, “Weak stability against robust deviations and the bargaining set in the roommate problem”, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2023)
岡田 章, “Dynamic Bargaining with Voluntary Participation and Externalities”, Economic Theory (2022)
Yi-Chun Chen・国本 隆・Yifei Sun, “Continuous implementation with payoff knowledge”, Journal of Economic Theory (2023)
Yi-Chun Chen・Richard Holden国本 隆・Yifei Sun・Tom Wilkening, “Getting dynamic implementation to work”, Journal of Political Economy (2023)
Yi-Chun Chen・国本 隆・Yifei Sun・Siyang Xiong, “Maskin meets Abreu and Matsushima”, Theoretical Economics (2022)
国本 隆・Cuiling Zhang, “Efficient bilateral trade via two-stage mechanisms: comparison between one-sided and two sided asymmetric information environments”, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2022)
森⼝ 千晶・Tuan-Hwee Sng, “The Size of Polities in Historical Political Economy”, The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy, Oxford University Press (2023)
後藤 玲子・神林 龍, “What the Welfare State Left Behind–Securing the Capability to Move for the Vulnerable”, Asian Economic Policy Review (2022)
神林 龍・田中万理・亀田泰佑・川本 琢磨・杉原 茂, “Managing Long Working Hours: Evidence from a Management Survey”, The Journal of Human Resources (2022)
神林 龍・浅井健太郎, “「人口学から見たアジア・太平洋戦争による日本の人的被害についての一考察-北関東・東北地方の徴兵記録分析を中心に-」, 『現代経済学の潮流2022』 東洋経済新報社 (2022)
神林 龍・後藤玲子・小林秀行・王薈琳, 「外出・在宅活動へのケイパビリティ・アプローチの応用の試み(2)-『A市外出に関する調査』より-」,『経済研究』73-3、225-253、2022年。
吉原 直毅, “Correspondence between Exploitation and Profits in General Neoclassical Production Economies”, Marxism 21, 20(1), 67-102, 2023年2月
吉原 直毅・Roberto Veneziani, “Unequal exchange and international justice”, Exploitation: Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, eds. by Matt Zwolinsky and Ben Ferguson 2023年
吉原 直毅・J. Cogliano・R. Veneziani, “Putting Labour Values to Work”, Acta Oeconomica, 72-S1, July 2022. pp. 51-79.
吉原 直毅・J. Cogliano・R. Veneziani, “An Agent‐Based Approach to Classical Competitive Prices”, in Zining Yang and Elizabeth von Brisen (eds.) Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, pp. 152-163, Springer, April 2022.
吉原 直毅・J. Cogliano・R. Veneziani, “Computational Methods and Classical-Marxian Economics”, Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 36(2), pp. 310-349, April 2022.
吉原直毅, 「危機の時代に求められる俯瞰的経済理論と経済学教育」 , 『季刊経済理論』59巻2号, 2022年7月、pp. 30-43.
後藤玲子, 「脱一元化論理にもとづく正義理論の展望」 , 日本哲学会編『哲学』74号、知泉書館、PP. 31-46、2023年4月
後藤玲子, 「人文学への憧れと社会科学的営為としての経済哲学――福祉国家(Welfare state)を戦争国家(warfare state)にしないために、いま、われわれがなしうること――」加藤泰史・松塚ゆかり編 , 『人文学・社会科学の社会的インパクト』、法政大学出版会、pp.197-220.