The HSI2022-8th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute
We are very pleased to inform you that we will hold the HSI2022-8th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute.
We had three online sessions this year as shown below.
Registration for all sessions are free of charge.
Each session has a different registration form.
Please make sure you apply with the right form.
If you would like to modify your registered information, please kindly let us know by email. Modification is accepted until two days before each session.
If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding HSI2022, please feel free to ask HIAS Planning Office at hias-info[at]ad.hit-u.ac.jp
Microeconomic Theory
Date & Time |
9:00 – 17:00 November 13(Sun), 2022 |
Organizers |
Koichi Tadenuma (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Takashi Ui(Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Daisuke Hirata (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Nozomu Muto (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Yuichi Yamamoto (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) |
Language |
English |
Program |
Program_Micro.pdf |
Venue |
Zoom |
Photo |
Photos for Microeconomic Theory HSI2022 |
Macro- and Financial Econometrics
Photos for Microeconomic Theory HSI2022
Microeconomic Theory
Prof. Norio Takeoka, Hitotsubashi University, Chair of Morning Session: Information and Decision
Dr. Tommaso Denti, Cornell University, “Costly monitoring in signaling games”
Dr. Alexander Jakobsen, Northwestern University, “Revealed Persuasion”
Prof.Nozomu Muto, Hitotsubashi University, Chair of Afternoon Session: Games and Mechanism Design
Dr. Jiangtao Li, Singapore Management University, “Order Statistics of Large Samples: Theory and an
Application to Robust Auction Design”
Prof. Debasis Mishra, Indian Statistical Institute, “Rank-Preserving Multidimensional Mechanisms”
Prof. Yuichi Yamamoto, Hitotsubashi University, Chair of Afternoon Session: Games and Mechanism Design
Prof. Philipp Strack, Yale University, “Taxing Externalities without Hurting the Poor”
Photos for Macro- and Financial Econometrics HSI2022
Macro- and Financial Econometrics
Prof. Toshiaki Watanabe, Hitotsubashi University, Opening Remarks
Prof. Eiji Kurozumi, Hitotusbashi University, Chair of Morning Session 1
Prof. Atsushi Inoue, Vanderbilt University, “Uniform inference in vector autoregressive models”
Prof. Jouchi Nakajima, Hitotsubashi University, “Time-varying parameter local projections with stochastic volatility”
Prof. Ryo Jinnai, Hitotsubashi University, chair of Morning Session 2
Dr. Yuta Takahashi, Hitotsubashi University, “Hidden Stagflation”
Dr. Hiroshi Morita, Hosei University; HIAS visiting scholar, “Central Bank Information Effects in Japan : The Role of Uncertainty Channel”
Prof. Takashi Kano, Hitotsubashi University, Chair of Afternoon Session 1
Prof. Yunjong Eo, Korea University, “Identifying turning points of Japanese business cycles”
Dr. Naoki Takayama, Hitotsubashi University, Chair of Afternoon Session 2
Mr. Yoichi Ueno, Japan Center for Economic Research, “A Preferred Habitat View of Yield Curve Control”
Ms. Haruna Yamada, Graduate Student, Hitotsubashi University, “Financial Integration, Excess Consumption
Volatility, and the World Real Interest Rate”
Prof. Etsuro Shioji, Hitotsubashi University, Closing Remarks