2000年に国連が採択したミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)は、途上国における十分な貧困削減を達成できないまま、2015年から持続的開発目標(SDGs)に置き換えられました。しかしながら、途上国における絶対的貧困を持続的に削減するために有効な制度設計と政策に関する研究は、いまだ道半ばです。 本プロジェクトでは、2010年度から14年度にかけて実施されたプロジェクトを引き継ぎ、その際に集めた独自のデータとミクロ経済理論を用いて、制度と政策が貧困削減に与えるインパクトについて緻密に計測していきます。そして、研究結果に基づいた効果的な制度設計を行い、政策提言を行います。
![]() プロジェクトリーダー | プロジェクトメンバー
⼩暮 克夫 | 会津大学文化研究センター 上級准教授 |
窪田 悠一 | 日本大学法学部政治経済学科 准教授 |
大村 啓喬 | 滋賀大学経済学部 准教授 |
森 悠子 | 津田塾大学学芸学部国際関係学科 准教授 |
Saumik Paul | Associate Professor, Global Development Institute, the University of Manchester (UK) |
増田 一八 | 学習院大学経済学部 准教授 |
後藤 潤 | 政策研究大学院大学 助教授 |
Guenwoo Lee | 国立研究開発法人 国際農林水産業研究センター(JIRCAS) 社会科学領域 研究員 |
有本 寛 | EYストラテジー・アンド・コンサルティング コンサルタント |
高野 久紀 | 京都大学大学院経済学研究科 准教授 |
Deepak Johnson | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Christ University (India) |
Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (June 9-10, 2023)
Maruyama, Takao・Takashi Kurosaki, “Developing Textbooks to Improve Math Learning in Primary Education: Empirical Evidence from El Salvador,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, Volume 72, Issue 2, January 2024, pp.423-1040.
Tanaka, Mari・Taisuke Kameda・Takuma Kawamoto・Shigeru Sugihara・Ryo Kambayashi, “Managing Long Working Hours: Evidence from a Management Survey,” Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.
Tanaka, Mari, “Ethical production and export performance across destinations: evidence from Myanmar,” Japanese Economic Review 74(3), July 2023, pp.413–437.
川口康平・児玉直美・熊埜御堂 央・田中 万理, “Using Managers’ Expectations for Ex-Ante Policy Evaluation: Evidence from the Covid-19 Crisis, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2023)
田中 万理, “Ethical Production and Export Performance across Destinations: Evidence from Myanmar”, The Japanese Economic Review (2023)
Teresa Molina・田中 万理, “Globalization and Female Empowerment: Evidence from Myanmar, Economic Development and Cultural Change (2023)
Huang, Yi・Yanjun Li, “Labor activism over searing heat,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 122, October 2023, 102888.
Bai, Yu・Yanjun Li・Pak Hung Lam, “Quantity-quality trade-off in Northeast China during the Qing dynasty,” Journal of Population Economics, Vol.36, July 2023, pp.1657-1694.
Umer, Hamza・Yanjun Li, “Positive and negative health events and trust,” Empirica, February 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10663-024-09605-3
Khan, M.S. Hamza Umer, “ChatGPT in finance: Applications, challenges, and solutions,” Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 2, 17 January 2024, e24890.
Umer, Hamza・M.S. Khan, “Investigating the relationship of COVID-19 preventive and mitigation measures with mosque attendance in Pakistan,” PLOS ONE (Dec 2023)
Umer, Hamza, “Gender differences in temporal stability and decay in stability of trust,” Theory and Decision, November 2023, pp.1-27.
Umer, Hamza, “Covid-19 and altruism: a meta-analysis of dictator games,” Empirica, October 2023, pp.1-26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10663-023-09592-x
Umer, Hamza, “A Selected Literature Review of the Effect of Covid-19 on Preferences”, Journal of the Economic Science Association (2023)
Umer, Hamza, “Effectiveness of Random Payment in Experiments: A Meta-Analysis of Dictator Games”, Journal of Economic Psychology (2023)
Umer, Hamza, “Stability of pro-sociality and trust amid the Covid-19: Panel data from the Netherlands”, Empirica (2023)
Johnson, Deepak, “What is the Contribution of Government Support to Farm Incomes? A Case Study of Rice Cultivation from Kerala, India,” Review of Agrarian Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, June 2023, pp.42–60. https://doi.org/10.25003/RAS.13.01.0004
Suzuki, A., V. H. Nam・Guenwoo Lee, “Reducing Antibiotics Use among Smallholders: Experimental Evidence from the Shrimp Aquaculture Sector in Vietnam,” Aquaculture, 572, 739478, July 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739478.
著書 Publications
大塚啓二郎・黒崎卓・澤田康幸・園部哲史編著『次世代の実証経済学』日本評論社.ISBN 978-4-535-54050-7. vii+318p, 2023年6月刊.
国際会議等での報告 Presentations at Conferences
Hamza Umer・Takashi Kurosaki, “Effects of the Covid-19 & Natural Agricultural Shocks on Preferences of Farmers”, SEEDEC Conference, GRIPS (September 30, 2023)
Takashi Kurosaki・Abu S. Shonchoy・Uzma Afzal・Agha Ali Akram・Akib Khan, “Optimizing community-health-worker resources to scale child nutrition programs in rural Pakistan”. The Pathways to Development Conference, Lahore University of Management Science, Lahore, Pakistan (December 18-20, 2023) (presentation on December 18, 2023)
Abu S. Shonchoy・Agha A. Akram・Mahrukh Khan・Hina Khalid・Sidra Mazhar・Akib Khan・黒崎 卓, “A Community Health Worker-Based Intervention on Anthropometric Outcomes of Children Aged 3 to 21 Months in Urban Pakistan, 2019-2021.”, American Journal of Public Health (2023)
Yukichi Mano, “Rice Green Revolution in sub-Saharan Africa”, CARD General Meeting, Abidjan, Ivory Coast (July 4, 2023)
Mari Tanaka “Sustainable Shifting-Cultivation with Market Access: Evidence from the Peruvian Amazon” (with Yoshito Takasaki and Shunsuke Tsuda), Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (June 2023)
Mari Tanaka, “Union Leaders: Experimental Evidence from Myanmar” JADE 2023, co-sponsored with LSE (April 2, 2023)
Takeshi Aida・Kei Kajisa・Yasuyuki Sawada, “Paddy Cultivation as an Origin of Cooperative Norms: Evidence from Natural and Lab-in-the-Field Experiments”, GRIPS SEEDEC 2023 (September 29-30, 2023)
Kazuki Motohashi, “Unintended Consequences of Sanitation Investment: Negative Externalities on Water Quality and Health in India”, 4th Asian Workshop on Econometrics & Health Economics (December 2023)
Kazuki Motohashi, “Extreme Temperatures and Health Investment: Persistent Improved Sanitation Behaviors as Adaptation in India, AERE (Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Summer Conference (June 2023)
Kazuki Motohashi, “Unintended Consequences of Sanitation Investment: Negative Externalities on Water Quality and Health in India”, Fourth SANEM-World Bank North America Discussion Forum (May 2023)
Ahn Duc Tran, “Scientific Information and Farm Production: Evidence from Field Experiments with Small-Scale Farms in Vietnam”. Japan Association of Development Economic (JADE) Young Conference (November 18, 2023)
Kazuya Masuda・Hitoshi Shigeoka, “Education and later-life mortality: Evidence from a school reform in Japan”Essen Health Conference 2023, Essen, Germany.
Kazuya Masuda・Hitoshi Shigeoka, “Education and later-life mortality: Evidence from a school reform in Japan” the 4th Meeting of the Asian Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics, Manila.
Kazuya Masuda・Hitoshi Shigeoka, “Education and later-life mortality: Evidence from a school reform in Japan”2024 Econometric Society North American Winter Meetings, San Antonio.
Guenwoo Lee・Aya Suzuki・Ayu Pratiwi, Farikhah・Takashi Kurosaki, “Do online communities of practice complement or substitute conventional agricultural extension services? Evidence from Indonesian Shrimp Farmers’ Participation in a Facebook Group”, Asian Economic Development Conference 2023, Tokyo (July 15-16, 2023)
Guenwoo Lee・Aya Suzuki・Ayu Pratiwi, Farikhah・Takashi Kurosaki, “Do online communities of practice complement or substitute conventional agricultural extension services? Evidence from Indonesian shrimp farmers’ participation in a Facebook group”, Sustainability science days conference 2023, Helsinki (May 23-26, 2023)
Guenwoo Lee・Aya Suzuki・Ayu Pratiwi, Farikhah・Takashi Kurosaki, “Do online communities of practice complement or substitute conventional agricultural extension services? Evidence from Indonesian Shrimp Farmers’ Participation in a Facebook Group”, 2023 Tokyo International Conference on Project Management, Chiba (September 2023)
Hisaki Kono, “At the Right Time: Eliminating Mismatch between Cash Flow and Credit Flow in Microcredit” (with Abu Shonchoy and Kazushi Takahashi), Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023.
Hisaki Kono, “At the Right Time: Eliminating Mismatch between Cash Flow and Credit Flow in Microcredit” (with Abu Shonchoy and Kazushi Takahashi), German Development Economics Conference 2023.
発表論文(査読有り) Published papers (peer-reviewed)
Mori, Yuko・D Rajasekhar・R Manjula・Takashi Kurosaki・Jun Goto, “Do Women Council Members Allocate More Public Goods? Evidence from Rural India”, forthcoming in Economic Development and Cultural Change (Accepted on August 22, 2023).
Kubota, Yuichi・Gaku Ito・Masataka Harada, “Making Sense of Violence in Semi-Technologized Conventional Civil War: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century Japan,” International Interactions, Vol.49 No.3 (June 2023)
Kubota, Yuichi, “Remaining behind in the Community: Rebel Service Provision and Internal (Non-)Displacement of Civilians in the Former FATA, Pakistan,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol.60 No.3 (May 2023) https://doi.org/10.1177/0022343322107986
国際会議等での報告 Presentations at Conferences
Kazuhiro Obayashi, “Rebellion During A Power Shift Between Rival Empires: Local Security Forces in Burma and Indonesia in World War II.” 82nd Komaba International Politics Workshop, Division of Social and International Relations, Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (December 22, 2023)
Kazuhiro Obayashi, “Effects of Legislative Speeches on Violence against Civilians in Civil War.” Paper presented at 119th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition (Panel on International and Domestic Responses to Civilian Victimization) in Los Angeles, CA, USA (31 August – 3 September 2023) (with Naoko Matsumura, Jonathan Robert Lewis, Yuichi Kubota and Jan Boesten).
Yanjun Li, “Road to Crime: Expressway Connections and Child Trafficking” (with Yu Bai, Xinyan Liu, and Yajie Sun), Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (June 2023)
Katsuo Kogure, “Long-Term Impacts of Extreme Deprivation in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence” (with Kiyoyasu Tanaka), Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (June 2023)
Katsuo Kogure, “Long-Term Impacts of Extreme Deprivation in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence,” Australian Meeting of the Econometric Society, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (August 9, 2023)
Katsuo Kogure, “Long-Term Impacts of Extreme Deprivation in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence,” Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (July 28, 2023)
Yuichi Kubota, “Wartime Origins of Judicial Legitimacy: Evidence from the former FATA, Pakistan” (with Kazuhiro Obayashi), Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (June 2023)
Yuichi Kubota, “Internal Displacement and Post-conflict Gender Attitudes: Evidence from Northwestern Pakistan.” Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University (September 2023)
Yuko Mori・R. Manjula・D Rajasekhar・Jun Goto,・Takashi Kurosaki, “Who Becomes a Politician in a Gender Quota System? Evidence from India”, JADE 2023, co-sponsored with LSE (April 1, 2023)
Jun Goto, “Politician’s Term length in Nation Building: A Historical Natural Experiment in India” (with Tomoko Matsumoto, Shunsuke Tsuda, and Junichi Yamasaki), Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023 (June 2023)
Jun Goto, “Who Suggests Policies for the Future?: A Historical Randomization of Tenure Lengths in the Indian Parliament”, 80th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference (April 13-16, 2023) online (refereed)
Jun Goto, “Politician’s Term Lengths in Nation-building: The Historical Natural Experiment in India”, Summer Workshop on Economic Theory (SWET) Otaru, Otaru University of Commerce (non-refereed)
Jun Goto, “Reputational Concerns and Polarization in Online Communities: Computational Text Analysis with Natural Experiments in Japan”, Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop (September 18-19, Online (refereed)
その他(受賞など)Others (Awards, etc.)
森悠子氏(津田塾大学), 第4回日本経済学会・女性研究者奨励賞(日本生命賞)受賞(2023年12月)
田中 万理・亀田泰佑・川本 琢磨・杉原 茂・神林 龍, “Managing Long Working Hours: Evidence from a Management Survey”, The Journal of Human Resources (2022)
Umer, Hamza, “Does pro-sociality or trust better predict staying home behavior during the Covid-19?”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2022)
Guenwoo Lee ・Changkeun Lee・Jihyun Choi・Yu Ri Kim , “Who adopts industry 4.0 technology? Evidence from the Korean national firm survey”, Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society (2022)
丸山 隆央・黒崎 卓, “Developing Textbooks to Improve Math Learning in Primary Education: Empirical Evidence from El Salvador”, Economic Development and Cultural Change (forthcoming)
王 子恒・黒崎 卓, 中国における資源制約と教育:コーホートサイズと性差に焦点を当てた実証分析」,『アジア経済』(2022)
鈴木 綾・Vu Hoang Nam・Guengwoo Lee, “Reducing Antibiotics Use among Smallholders: Experimental Evidence from the Shrimp Aquaculture Sector in Vietnam”, Aquaculture (2022)