![]() プロジェクトリーダー | プロジェクトメンバー
新⾕ 元嗣 | 東京⼤学大学院経済学研究科 教授 |
Kyu Ho Kang | Professor, Department of Economics, Korea University |
沖本 ⻯義 | 慶応義塾大学経済学部 教授 |
Yunjong Eo | Professor, Department of Economics, Korea University |
森⽥ 裕史 | 東京科学⼤学工学院 准教授 |
Sungbae An | Director/Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy |
2023 年度に引き続き、グローバル化と⾦融深化のインパクトを明らかにし、新しい計量モデルを開発するための研究を遂⾏する。テーマとしてはAI 普及の労働市場への影響、越境電⼦商取引、資産価格のボラティリティ変動モデルの改良、エル・ニーニョ現象がマクロ経済に与える影響、沖縄本⼟復帰と物価、バブルの研究、⽇本銀⾏の国債買い⼊れ政策などを挙げることができる。これらの分析の成果が、グローバル経済における今後のマクロ経済運営のあり⽅についての政策提⾔につながっていくことが期待される。
Asia Pacific Trade Seminars(2023年6月10-11日)
Hawaii-Hitotsubashi-Keio Workshop on International Economics(2023年9月1-2日)
20th anniversary Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade and FDI 2023(2023年12月16-17日)
Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023(2024年3月11日)
Seminar in Macroeconomics(高橋悠太講師・高山直樹講師)
Palizha Airebule・Haitao Cheng・石川 城太, “Assessing Carbon Emissions Embodied in International Trade Based on Shared Responsibility,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, volume 68, 2023, 101260 (2023)
早川 和伸・伊藤 恵子・深尾 京司・Ivan Deseatnicov, “The Impact of the strengthening of export controls on Japanese exports of dual-use goods,” International Economics, Available (1 April 2023)
Ikeuchi, Kenta・深尾 京司・Cristiano Perugini・Fabrizio Pompei, “Which employers pay a higher college wage premium?,” International Journal of Manpower (January 2024). 10.1108/IJM-05-2023-0273
Chun, Hyunbae・深尾 京司・HyeogUg Kwon・ Jungsoo Park, “Why Do Real Wages Stagnate in Japan and Korea?,” Asian Economic Papers, Vol.23, No.1, forthcoming (March 2024).
Haitao Cheng, “Domestic versus International Emissions Trading with Capital Mobility”, Resource and Energy Economics, forthcoming.
Haitao Cheng, “Consumption Pollution and Taxes with Endogenous Firm Locations and Different Market Sizes”, International Tax and Public Finance, 30 (2023): 1601-1632.
石川 城太・Toshihiro Okubo, “Cross-border Technology Licensing with R&D Opportunity and Government Intervention,” TRIO Conference, 東京大学小島ホール(2024年3月2日)
深尾 京司・Young Gak Kim, “Non-standard employment and productivity in Japan,” King’s College London and University of Perugia, the 5th Assisi Workshop in Economics, “The Future of Education, Skills and Productivity,” Palace of the City Hall, Assisi (April 28, 2023).
深尾 京司「日本の潜在成長率向上に何が必要か:JIPデータベース2023を使った分析」RIETI公開BBLウェビナー(2023年7月7日(金)12:15-13:15)
深尾 京司「日本の潜在成長率向上に何が必要か:JIPデータベース2023を使った分析」RIETI政策シンポジウム「コロナ危機後の日本経済と政策課題」、第1セッション:イノベーション・生産性と産業政策(2024年2月29日(木)13:00-17:00)
深尾 京司・Young Gak Kim, “The Impact of Resource Reallocation within and across Firms on Macroeconomic Total Factor Productivity,” Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023(2024年3月11日)オンライン
Haitao Cheng, “Carbon Tax and Border Tax Adjustments with Technology and Location Choices”, Seminar at Kobe University (February 22, 2024)
Haitao Cheng, 2023 International Young Scholars Forum, Jilin University (December 29, 2023)
Haitao Cheng, Annual Meeting of the China Society of World Economics, Fudan University (November 4, 2023)
Haitao Cheng, International Trade and FDI Workshop, Shimane University (August 21, 2023)
深尾 京司「日本の潜在成長率向上に何が必要か――JIPデータベース2023を使った分析」
森川正之編『コロナ危機後の日本経済と政策課題』東京大学出版会 第6章(2024年3月)
深尾 京司・金 榮愨・権 赫旭「最低賃金が企業ダイナミクスに与える影響分析」RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-J-038、(2023年10月)
深尾 京司・金 榮愨・権 赫旭「従業員の高齢化がイノベーションと生産性に及ぼす影響に関する実証分析」RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-J-036(2023年9月)
深尾 京司・乾友彦・金 榮愨・権 赫旭・池内健太「デジタルトランスフォーメーションが生産性と企業内の資源再配分に与える影響」RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-J-026(2023年8月)
深尾 京司・金 榮愨「企業グループ内の資源再配分がマクロ経済の全要素生産性に与える影響」RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-J-023(2023年7月)
Ikeuchi, Kenta・Kyoji Fukao・Cristiano Perugini・Fabrizio Pompei, “Which Employers Share Rents? A firm-level analysis for Japan,” RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-E-048(2023年7月)
深尾 京司・乾友彦・金 榮愨・権 赫旭・張紅詠「東アジア上場企業(EALC)データベースの作成とTFP上昇率の比較」RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-J-022、RIETI(2023年7月)
Belderbos, Rene・Kyoji Fukao・Kenta Ikeuchi・YoungGak Kim・HyeogUg Kwon, “Industrty agglomeration and location choice of productive firms: The role of product markets in adverse selection,” VoxEU Column.
金 榮愨・深尾 京司・権赫旭・池内健太「新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下の企業間資源再配分:企業ミクロデータによる生産性動学分析(改訂版)」RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-J-016、RIETI(2023年7月)(初版 2023年4月)
Mikihito Nishi・Eiji Kurozumi, ”Stochastic local and moderate departures from a unit root and its application to unit root testing”, Journal of Time Series Analysis, (掲載号,ページは未定),DOI: 10.1111/jtsa.12691
Fluctuation-type monitoring test for explosive behavior, ・Eiji Kurozumi・, Econometrics and Statistics, (掲載号,ページは未定),
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecosta.2023.06.007
西 幹仁・黒住 英司, “Stochastic local and moderate departures from a unit root and its application to unit root testing“, Journal of Time Series Analysis (May 2023)
黒住 英司, “Fluctuation-type monitoring test for explosive behavior“, Econometrics and Statistics (29 June 2023)
J. Nakajima, The impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on the relationship between financial volatility and real economic activity, Applied Economics,forthcoming
Kawamoto, T.・J. Nakajima・T. Mikami, Inflation-overshooting commitment: An analysis using a macroeconomic model, Oxford Economic Papers, forthcoming
Aoki, K.・J. Nakajima・M. Takahashi, T. Yagi, and K. Yamada, Energy efficiency in Japan: Developments in the business and household sectors, Monetary and Economic Studies, 41, pp. 81-110
青木 浩介・中島 上智・高橋 優豊・八木 智之・山田 琴音, “Energy efficiency in Japan: Developments in the business and household sectors“, Monetary and Economic Studies, forthcoming.
中島 上智, “The impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on the relationship between financial volatility and real economic activity“, Applied Economics, forthcoming (16 September 2023)
Estrada, F. ・P. Perron・Y. Yamamoto, 2024, “On the Persistence of Near Surface Temperature Dynamics in a Warming World,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1531(1), pp 69-83.
Fatum, R. ・T. Hattori・Y. Yamamoto, 2023, “Reserves and Risk: Evidence from China,” Journal of International Money and Finance 134, 102844.
Koki Fusejima, “Identification of multi-valued treatment effects with unobserved heterogeneity” Journal of Econometrics, Vol.238, No.1, 105563, 2024/1
高橋 慎・大森 裕浩・渡部 敏明, “Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models“, Springer (April 2023)
Makoto Takahashi・Yasuhiro Omori・渡部 敏明, Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models, Springer(April 2023), DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-0935-3
渡辺努・清水千弘編『日本の物価・資産価格 価格ダイナミクスの解明』東京大学出版会, 2023年6月 (第10章「日本の株式市場の分散リスクプレミアム-景気に対する予測力についての実証分析」担当), ISBN 978-4-13-040310-8
Cathy W.S. Chen・Toshiaki Watanabe・Edward M.H. Lin, “Bayesian estimation of realized GARCH-type models with application to financial tail risk management,” Econometrics and Statistics, Volume 28, October 2023, Pages 30-46.
Toshiaki Watanabe, “Time-varying parameter heterogeneous autoregressive model with stochastic volatility”, The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2023), Waseda University (August 1-3, 2023)
Toshiaki Watanabe, “Time-varying parameter heterogeneous autoregressive model with stochastic volatility”, The 25th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2023), Zoom (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)(August 22-25, 2023)
Eiji Kurozumi,Fluctuation-type monitoring test for explosive behavior, the 2023 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and Southeast Asia, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)(2023年7月27-30日)
Eiji Kurozumi,Fluctuation-type monitoring test for explosive behavior, The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, 早稲田大学(日本) (2023年8月1-3日)
Eiji Kurozumi,Testing for a Bubble with Stochastically Varying Explosive Coefficient, 17th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, University of Applied Sciences (Germany), (2023年12月16-18日)
井上 篤,フィラデルフィア連銀での研究報告(2023年4月)
中島 上智, “Time-varying parameter local projections with stochastic volatility”, The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta2023)、早稲田大学(2023年8月1日)
中島 上智, “Time-varying parameter local projections with stochastic volatility”, The 25th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT2023)、University of London(2023年8月25日)
中島 上智, “Time-varying parameter local projections with stochastic volatility,” 17th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics(2023年12月17日)
中島 上智, “Estimating trend inflation in a regime-switching Phillips curve”、Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023(2024年3月11日)オンライン
山本 庸平, The 4th TWID International Finance Conference, University of Tokyo(2023年8月9日)
伏島 光毅・石原卓弥, “Identification and estimation of treatment effects in a linear factor model with fixed number of time periods“, 2023年度経済統計Workshop, 口頭発表, 査読なし, 一橋大学(2023年10月20日)
伏島 光毅・石原卓弥, “Identification and estimation of treatment effects in a linear factor model with fixed number of time periods”, 2023年度関西計量経済学研究会, 口頭発表, 査読なし, 広島大学(2024年1月7日)
伏島 光毅・石原卓弥, “Identification and estimation of treatment effects in a linear factor model with fixed number of time periods”, 2023年度 Data Science Workshop, 口頭発表, 査読なし, 東北大学(2024年1月25日)
Fatum, R.・Y. Yamamoto・B. Chen, 2023, The Trend Effect of Foreign Exchange Intervention, HIAS Discussion Paper E-132.
On the estimation of the natural yield curve, Jouchi Nakajima・Nao Sudo・Yoshihiko Hogen・Yasutaka Takizuka, Discussion Paper Series A.753, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Estimating trend inflation in a regime-switching Phillips curve, Jouchi Nakajima, Discussion Paper Series A.750, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Real effects of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from Japan, Masazumi Hattori・Ryosuke Fujitani・Jouchi Nakajima・Yukihiro Yasuda, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 23-E-084, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
Koki Fusejima・Takuya Ishihara・Masayuki Sawada, Joint diagnostic test of regression discontinuity designs: multiple testing problem, arxiv preprint, arXiv:2205.04345, last revised October 5, 2023
Guerron-Quintana・Pablo A.・Tomohiro Hirano・ Ryo Jinnai. 2023. “Bubbles, Crashes, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 15 (2): 333-71.
DOI: 10.1257/mac.20220015
Credible Forward Guidance. Quentin Batista・Taisuke Nakata・ Takeki Sunakawa. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 153, 104699(August 2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jedc.2023.104699.
Takeki Sunakawa, “Tax-and-transfer progressivity and business cycles” (joint with Youngsoo Jang and Minchul Yum), Quantitative Economics, 14(4), 1367-1400 (November 2023)
Quentin Batista・仲田 泰祐・砂川 武貴, “Credible Forward Guidance“, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 153, 104699 (August 2023)
寺本 和弘, A Dynamic Model of Rational “Panic Buying” (with Shunya Noda) Quantitative Economics, Forthcoming
Guerron-Quintana・Pablo A.・平野 智裕・陣内 了, “Bubbles, Crashes, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 15 (2): 333-71. (2023)
Takashi Kano, “Posterior inferences of incomplete structural models: the minimal econometric interpretation”, 9th Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE) 2023, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway (June 27, 2023)
Takashi Kano, “Posterior inferences of incomplete structural models: the minimal econometric interpretation”, 25th International Conference on Computational Statistics (Compstat) 2023, Birkbeck, University of London, UK (August 25, 2023)
加納 隆, “Posterior inferences of incomplete structural models: the minimal econometric interpretation”, 日本経済学会春季大会, 南山大学(2023年5月28日)
陣内 了, “Necessity of Rational Asset Price Bubbles in Two-Sector Growth Economies”, Workshop on Digitalization and Macro Prudence Policy, 京都大学(2023年4月3日)
陣内 了, “Necessity of Rational Asset Price Bubbles in Two-Sector Growth Economies”, 2023 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Nanyang Technological University(2023年7月30日)
Takeki Sunakawa, “Conditional Equivalence of Inversion filter and Kalman filter in Estimating DSGE Models”, Sogang Macro Workshop, Sogang University (June 28, 2023)
Takeki Sunakawa, “On the equivalence of Inversion filter and Kalman filter in Estimating DSGE Models” (joint with Elnura Baiaman kyzy and Hiroyuki Kubota), The 17th Dynare Conference (October 20, 2023)
高橋 悠太, “Hidden Stagflation”, AMES, Singapore (2023年7月29日)
高橋 悠太, “Hidden Stagflation”,日本経済学会, 関西大学(2023年9月17日)
高橋 悠太, “Global Technology Stagnation” (joint with Naoki Takayama)、Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023、オンライン(2024年3月11日)
寺本 和弘, “Unequal Wage Cyclicality: Evidence, Theory, and Implications for Labor Market Volatility”, WAMS+LAEF 2023 – The Australasian Macroeconomics Society (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
保里 俊介, “The secular decline in aggregate hours worked in Japan: A reinterpretation” 第25回マクロコンファレンス、大阪大学中之島センター(2023年11月18日)
保里 俊介, “The secular decline in aggregate hours worked in Japan: A reinterpretation” 2023 CIGS Year End Macroeconomics Conference、日本工業倶楽部(2023年12月27日)
保里 俊介, “Overwork or underwork? Measuring labor wedge from family labor supply” Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023、オンライン、(2024年3月11日)
熊谷 元宏, JADE-CEPR-Time Conference on Economic Development at Tokyo University (Apr 2023)
熊谷 元宏, Kyoto Summer Workshop on Applied Economics(2023年7月)
熊谷 元宏, Historical Data Analysis Workshop at Tokyo University of Science(2023年7月)
熊谷 元宏, EDW/CEI Seminar at Hitotsubashi University(2023年9月)
熊谷 元宏, Seminar at Musashi University(2023年10月)
熊谷 元宏, SEA Annual Meeting(2023年11月)
熊谷 元宏, Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop at Tokyo University(2023年12月)
熊谷 元宏, Seminar at Waseda University(2024年2月)
熊谷 元宏, Seminar at Otaru University of Commerce(2024年2月)
熊谷 元宏, Mini-conference of Economics Development and History at Doshisha University(2024年3月)
Wenjiao Hu, 2023 Hong Kong Economic Association Biennial Conference (HK)
Wenjiao Hu, 2023 Institute of Economic Research Seminar, Hitotsubashi Univeristy (Japan)
Wenjiao Hu, 2023 Japan Economic Policy Association International Conference (Japan)
Wenjiao Hu, 2023 International Conference on Business and Finance (Vietnam)
Wenjiao Hu, 2023 Annual Conference in Money, Macro and Finance Society (UK)
加納 隆, 産学官連携の一環として、復帰前後の琉球新報と沖縄タイムスの電子データ化の取り組みに関して、豊見城市教育委員会とモルフォAIソリューションズとともに「自治体通信」の取材を受けた
保里 俊介, 公益信託山田学術研究奨励基金”Quarantine and Its Scar on Labor” Joint with Asako Chiba and Taisuke Nakata
関根 敏隆, “Looking at Gross Domestic Income: An Alternative View of Japan’s Economy,” 5th Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network, Columbia University, New York City(March 23-24, 2023)
関根 敏隆, “Dark Matter of Japanese Government Bonds”, 5th Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network, Columbia University, New York City(March 23-24, 2023)
関根 敏隆, “Dark Matter of Japanese Government Bonds”, 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, Waseda University, Tokyo(August 1-3, 2023)
関根 敏隆, “Dark Matter of Japanese Government Bonds”, Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2023(2024年3月11日)
塩路 悦朗, “Yield Curve Control under Attack: Where do the Pressures Come from?” KEA-KU International Conference: The Challenges for Asian and Global Economy after COVID-19, 高麗大学(2023年5月19日)
塩路 悦朗, “Responses of Households’ Expected Inflation to Oil Prices and the Exchange Rate: Evidence from Daily Data”, 日本経済学会2023年度春季大会, オンライン開催(主催校=南山大学)(2023年5月27日)
塩路 悦朗, “Yield Curve Control under Attack: Where do the Pressures Come from?” The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2023), 早稲田大学(2023年8月1日)
塩路 悦朗, “Responses of Households’ Expected Inflation to Oil Prices and the Exchange Rate: Evidence from Daily Data” SWET2023 (Summer Workshop on Economic Theory 2023) マクロ経済学・金融(2023年8月11日)
塩路 悦朗, “Yield Curve Control under Attack: Where do the Pressures Come from?” Visiting Scholar Seminar, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia University(2023年10月3日)
塩路 悦朗, “Responses of Households’ Expected Inflation to Oil Prices and the Exchange Rate: Evidence from Daily Data” Midwest Macroeconomics Conference Fall 2023, Texas Tech University(2023年11月12日)
塩路 悦朗, “Yield Curve Control under Attack: Where do the Pressures Come from?” Visiting Scholar Seminar, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, 17th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE2023)、オンライン(2023年12月16日)
塩路 悦朗, “Responses of Households’ Expected Inflation to Oil Prices and the Exchange Rate: Evidence from Daily Data” Indiana University Joint Macro/Econometrics Seminar(2024年1月29日)
塩路 悦朗, “Responses of Households’ Expected Inflation to Oil Prices and the Exchange Rate: Evidence from Daily Data”(庄司俊章との共同報告)キヤノングローバル戦略研究所・経済成長と構造変化に関する長期分析研究会、オンライン(2024年3月14日)
Hitotsubashi Summer Institute 2022 (2023年2月21日)
Hitotsubashi-Gakushuin Conference on International Trade and FDI 2022 (2022年12月17-18日)
深尾 京司・Cristiano Perugini・Fabrizio Pompei, “Non-standard Employment and Rent-sharing”, Economica (2022年10月18日)
深尾 京司・Cristiano Perugini・Fabrizio Pompei, “Labour market regimes, technology and rent-sharing in Japan”, Economic Modelling, (2022年7月)
Choi, Jay Pil・石川 城太・大越 裕史, “Tax havens and cross-border licensing with transfer pricing regulation.”, International Tax and Public Finance (2022)
Cathy W.S. Chen・Hsiao-Yun Hsu・渡部 敏明, “Tail Risk Forecasting of Realized Volatility CAViaR Models,, Finance Research Letters (2022)
黒住 英司・ Anton Skrobotov・Alexey Tsarev, “Time-transformed Test for Bubbles under Non-stationary Volatility,, Journal of Financial Econometrics (2022)
黒住 英司・ Anton Skroboto, “On the Asymptotic Behavior of Bubble Date Estimators,, Journal of Time Series Analysis (2022)
Peiyun Jiang・黒住 英司, “On the Asymptotic Behavior of Bubble Date Estimators,, Econometrics and Statistics (2023)
Francisco Estrada・Pierre Perron・⼭本 庸平, “Anthropogenic Influence on Extremes and Risk Hotspots,, Scientific Reports (2023)
⼭本 庸平・原 尚子, “Identifying Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression Models via Changes in Shock Variances,, Journal of Applied Econometrics (2022)
Pierre Perron・⼭本 庸平, “Structural Change Tests under Heteroskedasticity: Joint Estimation versus Two-Steps Methods,, Journal of Time Series Analysis (2023)
Harrison, Michael・中島 上智・Mimoza Shabani, “An evolution of global and regional banking networks: A focus on Japanese banks’ international expansion,, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money (2023)
川本 卓司・中澤 崇・喜舎場 唯・松村 浩平・中島 上智, “Estimating the macroeconomic effects of Japan’s expansionary monetary policy under Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing during 2013–2020, Economic Analysis and Policy (2023)
加納 和子・加納 隆武智 一貴, “ The price of distance: pricing-to-market and geographic barriers, Journal of Economic Geography (2021)
Pablo A. Guerron-Quintana・平野 智裕・陣内 了, “Bubbles, Crashes, and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence,, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MACROECONOMICS (2023)
廣瀬 康生・砂川 武貴, “The Natural Rate of Interest in a Non-linear DSGE Model,, International Journal of Central Banking (2023)
関根 敏隆, “Looking from Gross Domestic Income: Alternative view of Japan’s economy,, Japan and the World Economy (2022)
Cathy W. S. Chen・渡部 敏明・Edward M. H. Lin, “Bayesian estimation of realized GARCH-type models with application to financial tail risk management,” Econometrics and Statistics (18 April 2021)
高橋 慎・渡部 敏明・大森 裕浩, “Forecasting Daily Volatility of Stock Price Index Using Daily Returns and Realized Volatility,” Econometrics and Statistics (12 August 2021)