Date :
March 23, 2020 13:00 ~ 19:30
March 24, 2020 9:25 ~ 20:30
Hitotsubashi University
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601 JAPAN
Go to map
Registrants will get the information on how to participate in the online conference. Deadline of the registration is 11 March.
In commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the Research Center for Normative Economics, Institute of Economic Research (IER), Hitotsubashi University and in celebration of the 94th Japanese-German Society of Applied Ethics, we will hold a trans-disciplinary conference and create a place for sharing and utilizing the knowledge of the philosophies of social sciences.
This conference has a good variety of theories and issues including “human rights, dignity and happiness”, “democracy, social choice and publicness”, “adversities, contingencies and capabilities”, “justice, reciprocity and recognition” etc. This conference may provide new insights on how to reconstruct the political liberalism with excellent research contributions in different fields such as social choice theory, decision theory, game theory, political philosophy, economic history, humanities and arts.
We will welcome discussions on new ideas/foundations/issues, as well as communications among all participants. Each presenter should invite and encourage questions and comments from discussants and the audience. Anybody who is interested in the subjects will be very welcome to participate.
- Department of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University
- Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Research Center for Global Economic Systems (HIAS GLECS)
- The Research Center for Normative Economics, IER
Funded by:
- “Towards a global standard of dignity as a philosophical concept: theoretical approaches, conceptual histories, and cross-cultural comparisons”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Grant Number 18H05218
- “Implementation of welfare transportation system based on the capability approach and construction of research analysis program”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant Number 19H00595
- “Construction of <A Theory of Capability Justice> based on trans-disciplinary perspective”, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory), Grant Number 18K18569
- HIAS GLECS, “Norms, Institutions, and Mechanism Design: Theoretical and Empirical Studies for Comprehensive Social Sciences”
Jean-Pascal Bassino (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon / Hitotsubashi University)
Susumu Cato (The University of Tokyo)
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi University)
Akira Inoue (The University of Tokyo)
Tetsuji Iseda (Kyoto University)
Kohei Kamaga (Sophia University)
Yusuke Kasuya (Kobe University)
Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku University)
Kaname Miyagishima (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Tamotsu Nishizawa (Teikyo University)
Norihito Sakamoto (Tokyo University of Science)
Makoto Usami (Kyoto University)
Yuichi Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi University)
Kei Yoshida (Waseda University)
Conference Secretariat:
26 February: We have updated the latest program. Presentations given by Li Yaming (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and Anna Carabelli (Universita degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale) were cancelled in view of the spread of the new coronavirus cases.
As a new speaker, Takashi Ui (Hitotsubashi University) will present his paper on 23 March.
Program for Human Dignity and Well-being
March 23, 2020
- 13:00 → 15:50
Session I
Chair: Yukinobu Kitamura (Hitotsubashi University)
- 13:00(20m)
Opening Remarks
Speakers: Toshiaki Watanabe (Director of IER, Hitotsubashi University) , Yasushi Kato (Organizers, Hitotsubashi University) , Reiko Gotoh (Organizers, Hitotsubashi University)
- 13:20(1h 10m)
Dividing the Moral Labor of Respecting Human Dignity
Speaker: Henry Richardson (Georgetown University)
- 14:30(10m)
Coffee Break
- 14:40(1h 10m)
Belief-Free Preference Aggregation
joint with Satoshi Nakada, Shmuel Nitzan and Norio Takeoka
Speaker: Takashi Ui (Hitotsubashi University)
- 15:50 → 16:10(20m)
Coffee Break
- 16:10 → 17:50
Session II
Chair: Norio Takeoka (Hitotsubashi University)
- 16:10(30m)
A Theory of Moral Authority: Moral Choices Under Moral Network Externality
joint with Avner Greif
Speaker: Øivind Schøyen (JSPS, Hitotsubashi University)
- 16:40(10m)
Coffee Break
- 16:50(1h)
Intuitive Beliefs
Speaker: Jawwad Noor (Boston University)
- 18:00 → 19:30(1h 30m)
Working Dinner
March 24, 2020
- 09:25 → 10:40
Session III
Chair: Takashi Ui (Hitotsubashi University)
- 09:25(5m)
Welcome Remarks
Speaker: Koichi Tadenuma (President, Hitotsubashi University)
- 09:30(1h 10m)
Toward Utilitarian Moral Sentiments for an Ethically Sophisticated Impartial Benefactor (tentative)
Speaker: Peter Hammond (University of Warwick)
- 10:40 → 11:00(20m)
Coffee Break
- 11:00 → 12:40
Session IV
Chair: Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi University)
- 11:00(50m)
Critical-level Sufficientarianism
joint with Walter Bossert and Susumu Cato
Speaker: Kohei Kamaga (Sophia University)
- 11:50(50m)
Equity Principles and Interpersonal Comparison of Well-being
Speaker: Norihito Sakamoto (Tokyo University of Science)
- 12:40 → 14:00(1h 20m)
- 14:00 → 15:40
Session V
Chair: Yuichi Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi University)
- 14:00(50m)
Climate Change Justice: Historical Accountability and Equal Treatment
Speaker: Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University)
- 14:50(50m)
Equity and Time Consistency for Intertemporal Social Decisions
Speaker: Kaname Miyagishima (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- 15:40 → 16:00(20m)
Coffee Break
- 16:00 → 18:10
Session VI
Chair: Chiaki Moriguchi (Hitotsubashi University)
- 16:00(50m)
The Necessity of Time Inconsistency for Intergenerational Equity
joint with Tapan Mitra and Kuntal Banerjee
Speaker: Geir Asheim (University of Oslo)
- 16:50(10m)
Short Coffee Break
- 17:00(1h 10m)
Market Virtues and Respect for Human Dignity
joint with Luis Calderon and Robert Talisse
Speaker: John Weymark (Vanderbilt University)
- 18:10 → 18:30(20m)
Closing Remarks: Philosophy in/for Economic Theory
Speaker: Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University)
- 18:30 → 20:30(2h)
Dinner (by invitation only)
The closest st. to the venue Hitotsubashi University is JR Kunitachi st. Unfortunately, the nearest accommodation is around Tachikawa st., which is next stop of Kunitachi st.

- From Airports to Accommodation at Tachikawa by Airport Limousine (Bus)
Bus is not running so frequently and takes longer compared with trains, but it takes you to Palace Hotel Tachikawa via Tachikawa st. without any change from airports.
From Narita Int. Airport: ~ 3 hours, 3,600 JPY, click here for further info.
From Haneda Int. Airport: ~ 2 hours, 1,550 JPY, click here for further info.
- From Airports to Accommodation at Tachikawa by Trains
From Narita Int. Airport: N’EX (to Tokyo st. or to Shinjyuku st. ) + JR Chuo Line, ~ 2 hours, 3,640 JPY
From Haneda Int. Airport: Tokyo Monorail + JR Yamanote Line + JR Chuo Line, ~ 1.2 hours., 1,210 JPY (to Tachikawa st.) or 1,130 JPY (to Kunitachi st.)
- Between Accommodation at Tachikawa and Venue at Kunitachi
one stop 3 min (140 JPY, JR Chuo Line) + 10 min. walk
- From Tokyo st. to Kunitachi st.
~ 50 min., 550 JPY JR Chuo Line
- Campus map of Hitotsubashi University
- Palace Hotel Tachikawa
All seats are reserved. Please purchase reserved seat limited express ticket to Tokyo st. or to Shinjyuku st. in addition to basic fare ticket to your final destination, Kunitachi st. (venue) or Tachikawa st. (accommodation). For further detail, please check this page.
Tokyo Monorail
It’s running almost every 4 min. in average. You can purchase a ticket to final destination, Kunitachi st. (venue) or Tachikawa st. (accommodation) at the airport by touching “Transfer Ticket” on the initial screen of the ticket machine and then “JR LINE”. For further information, please check here.
JR Yamanote Line
It’s a circular railway.
JR Chuo Line
We can choose from local train, rapid train and special rapid train. Be careful that special rapid train stops at Tachikawa st. (accommodation), but does not stop at Kunitachi st. (venue). If you take special rapid train from Tokyo or Shinjyuku st., please transfer at Kokubunji st. following English announcement in the train.
Campus Map of Hitotsubashi University

Palace Hotel Tachikawa
Tachikawa st. and the hotel is connected with Pedestrian deck. It’s about 3 min. walk.
In front of the hotel, there is a bus stop of Airport Limousine from Narita and Haneda Int. airport.
Address: 2-40-15, Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0012 Japan
Phone: +81 (0)42 527 1111
Access map is here.