HIAS Seminar

HIAS Seminars are given by HIAS Fellows, HIAS Postdoctoral Fellows and invited researchers who are studying something relevant to the four research projects which the GLECS are now engaging in.

Upcoming Seminars

The 16th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date April 10, 2025  17:10–18:40
Title What Money Shouldn’t Buy? Measuring Aversion to Monetary Incentives for Health Behaviors
Speaker Pol Campos-Mercade (Lund University)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
Details https://www1.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/riron/hpWS/schedule-cur.htm
The 15th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date February 20, 2025  15:30–17:00
Title High-Temperature and Mortgage Termination
Speaker Yongheng Deng (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Venue Marcury Tower 7F Conference Room
Organizer High-Temperature and Mortgage Termination
Co-Host Graduate School of Economics / Hitotsubashi Trade/Urban Economics Workshop
Details https://sites.google.com/view/hitotsubashi-trade-urban-econ/


Past Seminars

The 14th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date January 16, 2025  17:10-18:40
Title “The Role of Dental Health in Human Capital Formation During Adolescence”
Speaker Shuhei Kaneko (UC Santa Barbara)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizer High-Temperature and Mortgage Termination
Co-Host Graduate School of Economics / Hitotsubashi Trade/Urban Economics Workshop
The 10th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date January 16, 2025  17:10-18:40
Title “Learning with Costly Experiments”
Speaker Kemal Ozbek (Southampton University)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 9th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date January 16, 2025  15:30-17:00
Title “Foundations of Correlation Neglect under Subjective Probability”
Speaker Seiji Takanashi (Kanawaza University)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 13th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date December 18, 2024  10:00-19:00
Title U. Amsterdam and Hitotsubashi-U Joint-Workshop on Urban Economics and Real Estate Studies 2024
Program Session 1 to 3
Venue Research project room (#307) on the 3rd floor of the 3rd Research Building
Organizer Marcus Francke (University of Amsterdam), Chihiro Shimizu (Hitotsubashi University), Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Host Graduate School of Economics / Hitotsubashi Trade/Urban Economics Workshop
The 12th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date December 19, 2025  17:10-18:40
Title Correlation Preference
Speaker Soo Hong Chew (Southwestern Universtiy of Finance and Economics)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 11th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date December 13, 2025  17:10-18:40
Title Did Harold Zuercher Have Time-Separable Preferences?
-Application of non-separable time preferences to dynamic discrete choice
Speaker Kota Saito (Caltech)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 8th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date December 12, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title TBD
Speaker Wataru Ishida (Yokohama National University)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 7th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date December 5, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title TBD
Speaker Taishi Sassano  (Tokyo University of Science)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 6th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date December 26, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title “Does Skill Abundance Still Matter? The Evolution of Comparative Advantage in the 21st Century”
Speaker Shinnosuke Kikuchi (MIT)
Abstract This paper documents that skill-abundant countries no longer have a comparative advantage in skill-intensive sectors. While this empirical relationship was strong in the 1980s, it weakened in the 1990s and disappeared by the 2000s. The decline is more pronounced in countries and sectors with higher automation. I find no such heterogeneous effects among countries and sectors more exposed to offshoring. Using a quantitative trade model incorporating automation and offshoring, I confirm that the observed changes in automation can account for the evolution of comparative advantage while observed changes in offshoring cannot. I conclude by revisiting the relationships between globalization, technology, and inequality through this model. Automation increases skill premia in developed countries with high automation and also raises welfare globally, whereas offshoring leads to smaller, more evenly distributed welfare gains.
Venue IER Conference room
Organizer Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Host Graduate School of Economics / Hitotsubashi Trade/Urban Economics Workshop


The 5th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date November 21, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title Bilateral bargaining with a biased intermediary
Speakers Yusuke Yamaguchi (Toulouse School of Economics)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 4th HIAS Seminar 2024
Date August 29, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title Deception under the Veil of Noise
Speakers Jawwad Noor (Boston University)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2024
Date July 11, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title Rationalizing Choices in a Rich Domain
Speakers Chen Zhao (University of Hong Kong)
Venue Isono Building 317 (3rd floor)
Organizer Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Host Economic Theory Workshop
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2024
Date June 13, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title Green Industrial Policies and Energy Transition in the Globalized Economy
Speakers Sungwan Hong (Pennsylvania State University)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics / Hitotsubashi Trade/Urban Economics Workshop
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2024
Date May 16, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title Efficiency with heterogeneous forecasts
Speakers Shurojit Chatterji (Singapore Management University)
Venue Room317, Isono Building, 3rd floor
Organizers Nozomu Muto (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics

Past Seminars 2017 – 2023

The 9th HIAS Seminar 2023
Date Novemner 21, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title Bilateral bargaining with a biased intermediary
Speaker Yusuke Yamaguchi (Toulouse School of Economics)
Venue Room317, Isono Building, 3rd floor
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics
Details Please register yourself from this form by March 26, 2024.


The 8th HIAS Seminar 2023 (co-hosted by Economic Theory Workshop)
Date 25 March, 2024  17:10-18:40
Title “Decision Making Under Multidimensional Risk”(onsite)
Speakers Dr. Shaowei Ke, CEIBS
Venue Room317, Isono Building, 3rd floor
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics


The 7th HIAS Seminar 2023
Date December 7, 2023  17:10-18:40
Title Intermediary Search for Suppliers in Procurement Auctions
Speakers Jun Honda (Shinshu University)
Venue Room317, Isono Building, 3rd floor
Organizers Nozomu Muto (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics


The 6th HIAS Seminar 2023
Date November 2, 2023  17:10-18:40
Title Social preferences of streams
Speakers Seiji Takanashi (Kanazawa University)
Venue Room317, Isono Building, 3rd floor
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics


The 5th HIAS Seminar 2023
Date October 12, 2023 15:15–16:45
Title Origin of Goods and the Distributional Effects of Trade Liberalization
Speakers Kiyoyasu Tanaka (IDE-Jetro)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics/Institute of Innovation Research
The 4th HIAS Seminar 2023
Date September 14, 2023 15:15–16:45
Title Climate Change and Labor Market Dropouts of Adult Males: Evidence from the Half Century
Speakers Masahiro Yoshida (Waseda University
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics/Institute of Innovation Research
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2023
Date June 8, 2023 15:15–16:45
Title The Effects of a Local Improvement on Housing Markets and the Neighborhoods: Evidence from Chicago
Speakers Heejin Kim (Michigan State University)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics/Institute of Innovation Research
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2023
Date June 1, 2023 15:15–16:45
Title The Role of Social, Spatial, and Economic Frictions in School Socioeconomic Segregation
Speakers Kenzo Asahi ( Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics/Institute of Innovation Research
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2023
Date June 1, 2023 15:15–16:45
Title The Role of Social, Spatial, and Economic Frictions in School Socioeconomic Segregation
Speakers Kenzo Asahi ( Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics/Institute of Innovation Research
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2023
Date May 11, 2023 15:15–16:45
Title Granular Origins of Labor Market Pooling
Speakers Shinnosuke Kikuchi ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Kentaro Nakajima (Institute of Innovation Research)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics/Institute of Innovation Research
2017 - 2022
The 5th HIAS Seminar 2022
Date December 22, 2022 15:15–16:45
Title The Geography of Structural Transformation: Effects on Inequality and Mobility
Speakers Kohei Takeda ( National University of Singapore)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Yoichi Sugita (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics
To receive workshop information, please register yourself from this form.
The 4th HIAS Seminar 2022
Date November 17, 2022 15:00-16:30
Title Origin of power laws and their spatial fractal structure for city-size distributions“(with T. Akamatsu, Y. Takayama & M. Osawa)
Tomoya Mori (Kyoto University)
Venue TBA
Organizers Yoichi Sugita (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2022
Date October 27, 2022 17:15-18:45
Title “Cities’ Demand-driven Industrial Composition”
Takashi Onoda (JBIC)
Venue TBA
Organizers Yoichi Sugita (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics
To receive workshop information, please register yourself from this form.
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2022
Date October 11, 2022 17:15-18:45
Title “Land Quality”with J. Vernon Henderson and Adam Storeygard
Speakers  David Weil (Brown University)
Venue IER conference room
Organizers Yoichi Sugita (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Graduate School of Economics
To receive workshop information, please register yourself from this form.
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2022
Date July 21, 2022 15:15 – 16:45
Title Does Visitation in Prison Reduce Recidivism?
Speakers Yuki Otsu (University of Tokyo)
Venue IER Conference room
Organizers Yoichi Sugita (Graduate School of Economics)
To receive workshop information, please register yourself from this form.
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2021
Date Febuary 17, 2022 17:10 – 18:40
Title Dynamic Inconsistency and Inefficiency of Equilibrium under Knightian Uncertainty
Speakers Michael Zierhut (Kyoto University)
Venue ZOOM
Organizers Prof.Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
If you would like to participate, please register from the following link.
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2021
Date November 9, 2021 17:10 – 18:40
Title Consistency of the common break estimator in panel data models under misspecification
Speakers Peiyun Jiang (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Venue ZOOM
Organizers Prof. Toshiaki Watanabe (Institute of Economic Research)
Prof. Eiji Kuroszumi (Graduate School of Economics)
Registration If you would like to participate, please register from the following link by November 5, 2021.
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2021
Date July 15, 2021 17:00 – 18:30
Title Carbon Tax and Border Tax Adjustments with Technology and Location Choices
Speakers Haitao Cheng (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Venue ZOOM
Organizers Prof. Jota Ishikawa (Graduate School of Economics)
Prof. Yoichi Sugita(Graduate School of Economics)
If you would like to participate in this seminar, please contact hias-info@ad.hit-u.ac.jp.
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2020
Date March 13, 2020 10:45~12:15 (Cancelled)
Title Industrial Enterprises and Industrial Labour in Faridabad, India (tentative)
Speakers Surajit Mazumdar (Jawaharlal Nehru University) , Jesim Pais (Society for Social and Economic Research)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Takashi Kurosaki (Institute of Economic Research)
Kazuya Masuda (Institute of Economic Research)
Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Joint Usage and Research Center Seminar, Economic Development Workshop, CEI Seminar
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2020
Date 16 Jan, 2020 17:10~18:40
Title Proposing New Equilibrium Concepts in Dynamic Games with Noisy Signals
Speakers Jeong-Yoo Kim (Kyung Hee University)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 16th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 19 Dec, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title A General Model of Choice Overland
Speakers Dan Qin (Tohoku University)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 15th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 5 Dec, 2019 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title Stability, Strategy-Proofness, and Respecting-Improvements Properties
Speakers Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Mercury Tower, 3F-3302 – Mercury Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Takashi Ui (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop, Hitotsubashi Economics Seminar
The 14th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 21 Nov, 2019 10:45 ~ 12:15
Title1 Decentralised Governance and Service Delivery in South india
Speakers1 R. Manjula (Institute for Social and Economic Change)
Title2 Decentralisation and Equity in Public Services: Evidence Using Streetlights in South India
Speakers2 D. Rajasekhar (Institute for Social and Economic Change)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Takashi Kurosaki (Institute of Economic Research)
Kazuya Masuda (Institute of Economic Research)
Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts CEI Seminar, Economic Development Workshop
The 13th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 14 Nov, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Ex Ante Fairness and Ex Post Fairness in Social Preference under Risk
Speakers Seiji Takanashi (Kyoto University)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 12th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 8 Nov, 2019 10:45 ~ 12:15
Title Community Origins of Industrial Entrepreneurship in Pre Independence India
Speakers Bishnupriya Gupta (The University of Warwick)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Development Workshop, CEI Seminar
The 11th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 23 Oct, 2019 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title Expanding Health Insurance with Mandate and Subsidy: Theory and Evidence from Massachusetts
Speakers Hongming Wang (Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Motohiro Sato (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts HIAS Health Regular Seminar
The 10th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 18 Oct, 2019 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title Aggregative Games: Beliefs, Potential and Equilibrium Selection
Speakers Ricard Serrano-Padial (Drexel University)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Yuichi Yamamoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Reiko Gotoh (Institute of Economic Research)
Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Research Center for Normative Economics, Economic Theory Workshop
The 9th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 3 Oct, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Intransitive Indifference with Direction-Dependent Sensitivity
Speakers Nobuo Koida (Iwate Prefecture University)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
The 8th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 27 Sep, 2019 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title Economic Insecurity and the Rise of the Right
Speakers Walter Bossert (University of Montreal)
with Andrew E. Clark (Paris School of Economics – CNRS), Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg) and Anthony Lepinteur (University of Luxembourg)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Reiko Gotoh (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant Number 16K03501
Research Center for Normative Economics
The 7th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 18 Jun, 2019 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title Daunou’s Voting Method
Speakers Walter Bossert (University of Montreal)
with Salvador Barbera (University Autonomy de Barcelona) and Kotaro Suzumura (Waseda University)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Reiko Gotoh (Institute of Economic Research)
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Co-Hosts Research Center for Normative Economics, International Seminar
The 6th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 9 May, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Repeated Games with Endogenous Discounting
Speakers Asen Kochov (University of Rochester)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 5th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 25 Apr, 2019 17:00 ~ 18:40
Title How Bayesian Persuasion Can Help Reduce Illegal Parking and Other Socially Undesirable Behavior
Speakers Zvika Neeman (Tel Avi University)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 4th HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 16 Apr, 2019 15:30 ~ 17:00
Title Horizontal Mergers in the Presence of Vertical Relationships
Speakers Arghya Ghosh (UNSW Sydney Business School / Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Faculty Building II, 2F-R217 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Hodaka Morita (Institute of Economics Research)
Mari Tanaka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Industry and Labor Economics Workshop
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 15 Mar, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title On Same-Realization Prediction in the Multivariate Long Memory Process with the VAR Procedure
Speakers Cindy Wang (National Tsing Hua University / Université Catholique de Louvain)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Yukinobu Kitamura (Institute of Economic Research)
Toshiaki Watanabe (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Statistics Workshop, International Seminar
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 5 Mar, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Hard-to-interpret Signals
Speakers Larry Epstein (Boston University)
with Yoram Halevy
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2019
Date 7 Feb, 2019 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Market Structure and Price Dispersion: Asymmetric Oligopoly with Sequential Consumer Search
Speakers Makoto Hanazono (Nagoya University)
with Noritaka Kudoh
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 15th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 14 Dec, 2018 11:15 ~ 12:45
Title The Future in Mind: the long-term impacts of a psycho-socail intervention on economic outcomes
Speakers Stefan Dercon (University of Oxford / Kyoto University)
Venue Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics East Bid. R101 (Kyoto University)
Co-Hosts Asian Economic Development Seminar at Kyoto University
The 14th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 15 Nov, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Conditioning Sovereign Debt Relief On Democratization
Speakers Shmuel Nitzan (Bar Ilan University / Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Takashi Ui (Graduate School of Economics)
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 13th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 10 Nov, 2018 15:00 ~ 18:40
Title1 Coherently Efficient Preference Aggregation
Speakers1 Takashi Ui (Hitotsubashi University)
with Satoshi Nakada, Shmuel Nitzan, and Norio Takeoka
Title2 Can We Take into Account Social Relations, Power Relations or Social Belonging Seriously in Economic Models?
Speakers2 Marc Fleurbaey (IPSP / Princeton University)
Title3 Closing Remarks
Speakers3 Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Chair Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University)
Discussants Ryo Kambayashi (Hitotsubashi University), Susumu Cato(The University of Tokyo),
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi University), So Kubota (Hitotsubashi University)
Co-Hosts IPSP (International Panel on Social Progress), Institute of Economics Research, Research Center for Normative Economics, Hitotsubashi University, Hitotsubashi University International Seminars
The 12th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 6 Nov, 2018 10:30 ~ 12:00
Title Measurement and Reliability of Purchasing Power Parities of Currencies and International Real Income Comparisons
Speakers Prasado Rao (The University of Queensland / Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research)
Naohito Abe (Institute of Economic Research)
The 11th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 23 Oct, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Implied Stochastic Volatility Models
Speakers Yacine Ait-Sahalia (Princeton University)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Ryo Jinnai (Institute of Economics Research)
Takashi Ojima (Graduate School of Economics)
Toshihiro Yamada (Graduate School of Economics)
Toshiaki Watanabe (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Macro Money Workshop, Economic Statistics Workshop, International Seminar
The 10th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 27 Sep, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Measuring Freedom in Games
Speakers Hendrik Rommeswinkel (National Taiwan University)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 9th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 12 Jul 2018, 16:15 ~ 17:45
Title Product Dynamics and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from US-Korea FTA
Speakers Haeyeon Yoon (Sogang University)
with Jung Hur (Sogang University / Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research)
Jota Ishikawa (Graduate School of Economics)
Yoichi Sugita (Graduate School of Economics)
Eiichi Tomiura (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts International Trade and Investment Workshop
The 8th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 12 Jun, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:55
Title If you’re an egalitarian, how come you’re not a vegan?
Speakers Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton University / IPSP)
with Martin Van der Linden
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Reiko Gotoh (Institute of Economic Research)
The 7th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 18 May, 2018 10:45 ~ 12:15
Title Is Inequality Increasing in r – g? Piketty’s Principle of Capitalist Economics and the Dynamics of Inequality
in Britain, 1210-2013
Speakers Jakob Madsen (Monash University)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Kazuya Masuda (Institute of Economic Research)
Host Economic Development Workshop
Co-Hosts CEI Seminar
The 6th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 19 Apr, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title The Market for Reputation Repeated Matching and Career Concerns
Speakers Eunhee Kim (City University of Hong Kong)
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop, International Seminar
The 5th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 16 Mar, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Stochastic Volatility Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model with Time-Varying Factor Loadings and Correlated Factor Shocks
Speakers Kyu Ho Kang (Korea University)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Toshiaki Watanabe (Institute of Economic Research)
Tomohito Okabe (Institute of Economics Research)
Co-Hosts Macro Money Workshop, Economic Statistics Workshop
The 4th HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 23 Feb, 2018 10:45 ~ 12:15
Title Destruction, tariff suspension and regional rivalry: the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and Japan’s international trade
Speakers Janet Hunter (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Taiji Furusawa (Graduate School of Economics)
Chiaki Moriguchi (Institute of Economic Research)
Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Development Workshop, CEI Seminar
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 20 Feb, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title The Infrastructure Investment Multipliers: Evidence from Stock Returns on Narrowly Defined Industry in Japan
Speakers Nobuyuki Kanazawa (Hitotsubashi University)
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Ryo Jinnai (Institute of Economic Research)
Tomohito Okabe (Institute of Economic Research)
Iichiro Uesugi (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Macro Money Workshop
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 16 Feb, 2018 10:45 ~ 12:15
Title Ideology, Institutions and Quantitative Economic Trends in China in 1850-1950: an Overview
Speakers Debin Ma (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Development Workshop, CEI Seminar
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2018
Date 23 Jan, 2018 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Economic Distributions and Primitive Distributions in Industrial Organization and International Trade
Speakers Simon Anderson (University of Virginia / Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Taiji Furusawa (Graduate School of Economics)
Hiroaki Mori (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Industry and Labor Economics Workshop
The 10th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 8 Dec, 2017 10:45 ~ 12:15
Title Seeds of American Industrialization: A New View from Economic Geography
Speakers Stephen Sun (Hitotsubashi University)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Development Workshop, CEI Seminar
The 9th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 6 Dec, 2017 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title The significance of the collective choice function: Two political economy illustrations
Speakers Shmuel Nitzan (Bar Ilan University / Hitotsubashi University)
Venue Mercury Tower, 3F-3302 – Mercury Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Taiji Furusawa (Graduate School of Economics)
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institut for Advanced Study)
Host Hitotsubashi Economics Seminar
The 8th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 25 Nov, 2017 17:00 ~ 21:30
Title1 Opening Remarks
Speakers1 Takashi Oshio (Hitotsubashi University)
Title2 The Health Gap
Speakers2 Sir Michael Marmot (University College London)
Title3 Comments
Speakers3 Katsunori Kondo (Chiba University)
Title4 Discussion
Chair Hiroyuki Kuribayashi (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotusbashi University)
Title5 Closing Remarks
Speakers5 Reiko Gotoh (Research Center for Normative Economics, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University /
Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University)
Venue National Center of Science, 1F-101-103 – Conference Room 101, 102 & 103 (Hitotsubashi Hall)
Chair Reiko Gotoh (Research Center for Normative Economics, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University /
Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University)
Co-Hosts Research Center for Normative Economics, Institute of Ecnomic Research
Graints-in-Aid for Scientific Research A (No. 26245035), “Preliminary Study on the Development of Multi-Dimensional Indexes for Individual Opportunity Sets Using the Capability Approach”
The 7th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 13 Nov, 2017 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Mechanisms with Evidence: Commitment and Robustness
Speakers Barton Lipman (Boston University)
joint with Elchanan Ben-Porath and Eddie Dekel
Venue IER Building, 3F-Conf. R. – IER Conference Room (Hitotsubashi University)
The 6th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 9 Nov, 2017 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Condorcet Jury Theorem and Cognitive Hierarchy: Theory and Experiments
Speakers Yukio Koriyama (Ecole Polytechnique)
joint with Ali Ihsan Ozkes
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Takashi Ui (Graduate School of Economics)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop, International Seminar
The 5th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 28 Sep, 2017 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Aggressive Boards and CEO Tumover
Speakers Tadashi Hashimoto (Yeshiva University)
with Cyrus Aghamolla
Venue Isono Building, 3F-R317 – Isono Bld. Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop
The 4th HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 22 Sep, 2017 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Nonparametric Momentum Strategies
Speakers S. Ghon Rhee ( University of Hawaii)
Venue Faculty Building II, 2F-R217 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Katsumasa Nishide (Graduate School of Economics)
Eiji Kurozumi (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Statistics Workshop
The 3rd HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 18 Apr, 2017 17:10 ~ 18:40
Title Product Dynamics and Aggregate Shocks: Evidence from Japanese Product and Firm Level Data
Speakers Robert Dekle (University of Southern California)
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Tomohito Okabe (Institute of Economic Research)
Ichiro Uesugi (Institute of Economic Research)
Ryo Jinnai (Institute of Economic Research)
Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Macro Money Workshop
The 2nd HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 31 Mar, 2017 10:30 ~ 12:00
Title Coal and Electricity—the Two Faces of Chinese Economic Management
Speakers Thomas Rawski (University of Pittsburgh)
Venue IER, 3F-2 – IER Seminar Room 2 (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research)
Chiaki Moriguchi (Institute of Economic Research)
Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research)
Co-Hosts Economic Development Workshop, CEI Seminar
The 1st HIAS Seminar 2017
Date 20 Jan, 2017 16:30 ~ 18:00
Title On the Stable Outcomes of the Multilateral Matching
Speakers Keisuke Bando (Tokyo University of Science)
with Toshiyuki Hirai
Venue Faculty Building II, 5F-R517 – HIAS Seminar Room (Hitotsubashi University)
Organizers Yusuke Kasuya (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study)
Co-Hosts Economic Theory Workshop