HSI2018—4th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute
We are very pleased to welcome you to HSI2018—4th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute to be held from 30 July to 10 August at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan.
Venue is Mercury Tower from 30 July to 7 August and Sano Shoin Hall from 8 to 10 August.
Program of this year is consisting of following five sessions. By clicking a date, program of the date will be shown.
Registration is necessary.
Microeconomic Theory on 30 and 31 July
Reiko Gotoh (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University)
Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Takashi Ui (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
International Trade and FDI on 1 and 2 (morning) August
Jota Ishikawa (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Eiichi Tomiura (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Co-sponsorship: the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Grant Number 26220503
Macroeconomics and Macroeconometrics on 2 (afternoon) and 3 August
Toshiaki Watanabe (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Co-sponsorship: the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant Number 17H00985
Economic Development on 6 and 7 August
Takashi Kurosaki (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Book Conference on the Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World
on 8, 9 and 10 August
Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Stephen Broadberry (Nuffield College, Oxford University)
Co-sponsorship: the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Grant Number 16H06322
During the event, we will be taking photos as part of effort to promote the activities of HIAS. Photos may be disclosed to the public through web sites, leaflets, and other media.
“Eduroam” is available at Mercury tower.
Invited Participants
in alphabetical order for each session
Microeconomic Theory
Jimmy Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore),
Takashi Hayashi (University of Glasgow), Taisuke Imai (Ludwig-Maximilias-Universitat Munchen),
Jawwad Noor (Boston University), Ichiro Obara (University of California, Los Angels),
Xiangyu Qu (NCSR), Shigehiro Serizawa (Osaka University),
Rakesh Vohra (University of Pennsylvania)
International Trade and FDI
Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University / Hitotsubashi University),
Arnaud Costinot (Massachusetts Institute of Techonology), Keith Head (University of British Columbia),
Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado), Ngo Van Long (McGill University),
Yuhei Miyauchi (Stanford University / Boston University), Andreas Moxnes (Universoty of Oslo),
Yohei Sugita (Hitotsubashi University), Andres Rodriguez-Clare (UC Berkely)
Macroeconomics and Macroeconometrics
Martin Berka (Massey University), Raffaella Giacomini (University College London),
Roberto Leon Gonzalez (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies), Junko Koeda (Waseda University),
Hiroshi Morita (Hosei University), Ko Munakata (Bank of Japan),
Christopher J. Neely (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), Michinao Okachi (Bank of Japan),
Mototsugu Shintani (University of Tokyo), Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University),
Takefumi Yamazaki (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance / Hitotsubashi University),
Fuyu Yang (University of East Anglia)
Economic Development
Jun Goto (Kobe University), Fredah Guantai (University of Tsukuba), Seiro Ito (IDE-JETRO),
Yuichi Kubota (University of Niigata Prefecture), Yuko Mori (Tsuda University),
Francisco Mugyabuso Paul Mugizi (GRIPS), Rasyad Parinduri (University of Nottingham, Malaysia),
Saumik Paul (ADBI), Pablo Selaya (University of Copenhagen),
Book Conference on the Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World
Rajabrata Banerjee (Univ. of South Australia), Jean-Pascal Bassino (Ecole Normale Superieure De Lyon),
Stephen Broadberry (Univ. of Oxford), Myung Soo Cha (Yeungnam Univ.),
Tracy Dennison (California Institute of Technology),
Jari Eloranta (Appalanchian State Univ. / Univ. of Helsinki), Rui Esteves (Univ. of Oxford),
Giovanni Federico (Univ. of Pisa), Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi Univ.),
Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics and Political Science),
Regina Grafe (European Univ. Institute), Bishnupriya Gupta (Univ. of Warwick),
Leslie Hannah (London School of Economics and Political Science), Tomoko Hashino (Kobe Univ.),
Alfonso Herranz Loncan (Univ. of Barcelona), Philip Hoffman (California Institute of Technology),
Christopher Isett (Univ, of Minnesota), David Jacks (Simon Fraser Univ.),
Wolfgang Keller (Univ. of Colorado), Debin Ma (London School of Economics and Political Science),
Gary Magee (Monash Univ.), Andrei Markevich (New Economic School), David Meredith (Univ, of Oxford),
Masaki Nayabayashi (Univ. of Tokyo), Pilar Nogues-Marco (Univ. of Geneva),
Alessandro Nuvolari (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), Toshihiro Okubo (Keio Univ.),
Sevket Pamuk (Bogazici Univ.), Paul Rhode (Univ. of Michigan), Joshua Rosenbloom (Iowa State Univ.),
Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Paul Sharp (Univ. of Southern Denmark),
Carol Shiue (Univ. of Colorado), Masayuki Tanimoto (Uninv. of Tokyo), John Wallis (Univ. of Maryland), Xu Yi (Guangxi Normal Univ.)
Program for HSI2018
July 30, 2018
- 10:50 → 11:20(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:20 → 11:30(10m)
HSI2018 Welcome Remarks
given by: Professor Koichi Tadenuma President
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 11:30 → 15:15
Mechanism Design and Welfare
Chair: Norio Takeoka (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 11:30(1h)
Role of Market in Voting
Program was changed on Sunday 29 July.
Speaker: Takuro Yamashita (Toulouse School of Economics)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 12:30(1h 15m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 13:45(1h)
Can Everyone Benefit from Economic Integration?
Co-author: Christopher P. Chambers (University of California, San Diego)
Speaker: Takashi Hayashi (University of Glasgow)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 14:45(30m)
Afternoon Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
- 11:30(1h)
- 15:15 → 17:45
Special Session (Co-hosted by Hitotsubashi IER & Osaka University, ISER)
Chair: Daisuke Hirata (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 15:15(1h)
Strategy-Proof Multi-Object Mechanism Design: Ex-Post Revenue Maximization with Non-Quasiliner Preferences
Co-autohrs: Tomoya Kazumura (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Debasis Mishra (Indian Statistical Institute)
Speaker: Shigehiro Serizawa (Osaka University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 16:15(30m)
Afternoon Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:45(1h)
Why Centralized Markets are Not Stable
Co-author: Ahmad Peivandi (Georgia State University)
Speaker: Rakesh Vohra (University of Pennsylvania)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 15:15(1h)
- 18:00 → 20:00(2h)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
July 31, 2018
- 08:45 → 09:15(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:15 → 12:45
Choice and Welfare
Chair: Norio Takeoka (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 09:15(1h)
Approximate Expected Utility Rationalization
Co-authors: Federico Echenique (California Institute of Technology) and Kota Saito (California Institute of Technology)
Speaker: Taisuke Imai (LMU Munich)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 10:15(1h)
Utilitarian Aggregation with Reasonably Heterogeneous Beliefs
Co-author: Antoine Billot (LEMMA)
Speaker: Xiangyu Qu (CNRS)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 11:15(30m)
Morning Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:45(1h)
Intuitive Beliefs
Speaker: Jawwad Noor (Boston University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 09:15(1h)
- 12:45 → 14:15(1h 30m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:15 → 16:15
Information Economics
Chair: Takashi Ui (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:15(1h)
Pivotal Persuasion
Co-authors: Seher Gupta (New York University), Fei Li (University of North Carolina) and Yun Wang (University of Pittsburgh)</span>
Speaker: Jimmy Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong) - 15:15(1h)
Controlling Cultivation of Taste
Speaker: Ichiro Obara (University of California, Los Angeles)
- 14:15(1h)
- 16:15 → 16:20
Closing Remarks
given by Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
August 1, 2018
- 09:20 → 09:50(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:50 → 10:00
Opening Remarks
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 10:00 → 13:00
International Trade and FDI: I
Chair: Yoichi Sugita (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 10:00(50m)
The Intensive Margin in Trade
Co-authors: Ana Fernandes (World Bank), Peter Klenow (Stanford University), Sergii Meleshchuk (University California, Berkeley) and Martha Denisse Pierola (Inter-American Development Bank)
Link to paper
Speaker: Andres Rodriguez-Clare (University of California Berkely)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 10:50(15m)
Morning Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:05(50m)
Trade Costs and Strategic Investment in Infrastructure in a Dynamic Open EconomyCo-author: Akihiko Yanase (Nagoya University)
Speaker: Ngo Van Long (McGill University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 11:55(15m)
Morning Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 12:10(50m)
Transfer Pricing and the Arm’s Length Principle under Imperfect Competition
Co-authors Taiji Furusawa (University of Tokyo) and Jota Ishikawa (Hitotsubashi University)
Speaker: Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University / Hitotsubahi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 10:00(50m)
- 13:00 → 14:30(1h 30m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:30 → 17:30
International Trade and FDI: II
Chair: Taiji Furusawa (University of Tokyo)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:30(50m)
The Origin of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach
Speaker: Andreas Moxnes (University of Oslo)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 15:20(15m)
Afternoon Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 15:35(50m)
Wage Markdowns and FDI Liberalization
Co-authors: Yi Lu (Tsingjua University) and Lianming Zhu (Osaka University)
Link to paper
Speaker: Yoichi Sugita (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 16:25(15m)
Afternoon Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:40(50m)
Poor Substitutes? Counterfactual methods in IO and Trade Compared
Co-author: Tierry Mayer (Sciences Po)
Speaker: Keith Head (University of British Columbia)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 14:30(50m)
- 17:45 → 19:15(1h 30m)
greetings from Professor Hiroshi Sato HIAS Director
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 2, 2018
- 09:10 → 09:40(30m)
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:40 → 12:40
International Trade and FDI: III
Chair: Eiichi Tomiura (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 09:40(50m)
Globalization and Executive Compensation
Co-author:;William Olney (Williams College)
Speaker: Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 10:30(15m)
Morning Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:45(50m)
Matching and Agglomeration: Theory and Evidence from Japanese Firm-to-Firm Trade
Link to paper
Speaker: Yuhei Miyauchi (Stanford University / Boston University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 11:35(15m)
Morning Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:50(50m)
Robots, Trade, and Luddism
Co-author:;Ivan Werning (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Speaker: Arnaud Costinot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 09:40(50m)
- 12:40 → 12:50
Closing Remarks
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 12:50 → 14:00(1h 10m)
Joint Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members and Registration (13:30 – 14:00)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:00 → 14:05
Opening Remarks
given by Toshiaki Watanabe (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:05 → 15:25
Macroeconometrics and Empirical Macroeconomics
Chair: Takashi Kano (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:05(40m)
Deviations in Real Exchange Rate Levels in the OECD Countries and Their Structural Determinants
Co-author:;Daan Steenkamp (South African Reserve Bank)
Speaker: Martin Berka (Massey University) - 14:45(40m)
Uncertain Identification
Co-authors: Toru Kitagawa (University College London) and Alessio Volpicella (Queen Mary University)
Speaker: Raffaella Giacomini (University College London)
- 14:05(40m)
- 15:25 → 15:40(15m)
Afternoon Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 15:40 → 17:40
Trend and Volatility
Chair: Yasuhiro Omori (University of Tokyo)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 15:40(40m)
Multivariate Stochastic Volatility with Partial Heteroscedasticity
Co-authors: Joshua Chan (University of Technology Sydney), Arnaud Doucet (Oxford University) and Rodney Strachan (University of Queensland)
Speaker: Roberto Leon-Gonzalez (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) - 16:20(40m)
Analyzing the Impact of Shale Oil Production on Oil Price Volatility
Co-author: Wenxue Wang (University of East Englia)
Speaker: Fuyu Yang (University of East Anglia) - 17:00(40m)
On Trigonometric Trend Regressions of Unknown Frequencies in the Presence of Autoregressive Errors
Co-authors: Pierre Perron (Boston University) and Tomoyoshi Yabu (Keio University)
Speaker: Mototsugu Shintani (University of Tokyo)
- 15:40(40m)
- 17:40 → 19:10(1h 30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 3, 2018
- 09:30 → 10:00(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:00 → 12:00
Unconventional Monetary Policy
Chair: Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 10:00(40m)
Unconventional Monetary Policy and Long Yields during QE1: Learning from the Shorts
Co-authors: Thomas Mcinish (University of Memphis) and Jade Planchon (Rhodes College)
Link to Paper
Speaker: Christopher Neely (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louise) - 10:40(40m)
Identifying Unconventional Monetary Policy Shocks by Sign Restrictions
Speaker: Hiroshi Morita (Hosei University) - 11:20(40m)
Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing Measures
Speaker: Junko Koeda (Waseda University)
- 10:00(40m)
- 12:00 → 13:20(1h 20m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 13:20 → 14:40
Sovereign Default Triggered by Incapability to Repay Debt under a Nonlinear Fiscal Policy Rule
Chair: Mototsugu Shintani (University of Tokyo)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 13:20(40m)
Financial Friction Sources in Emerging Economies: Structural Estimation of Sovereign Default Models
Speaker: Takefumi Yamazaki (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance / Hitotsubashi University) - 14:00(40m)
Sovereign Default Triggered by Incapability to Repay Debt under a Nonlinear Fiscal Policy Rule
Speaker: Michinao Okachi (Bank of Japan)
- 13:20(40m)
- 14:40 → 14:55(15m)
Afternoon Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:55 → 16:15
Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Chair: Toshiaki Watanabe (Hitotsubashi University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:55(40m)
Monetary Policy Framework and Information Effect: Evidence from Japanese Data
Co-authors: Hiroyuki Oi (Bank of Japan) and Yoichi Ueno (Bank of Japan)
Speaker: Ko Munakata (Bank of Japan) - 15:35(40m)
Fiscal Confidence Shocks and the Market for the Japanese Government Bonds
Speaker: Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
- 14:55(40m)
- 16:15 → 16:20
Closing Remarks
given by Etsuro Shioji (Hitotsubashi University)
August 6, 2018
- 13:30 → 14:00(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:00 → 17:30
Afternoon Session: Civil Conflicts and Economic Development
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:00(1h)
From Conflict to Conflicts: War-Induced Displacement, Land Conflicts, and Agricultural Productivity in Post-War Northern Uganda
Co-authors: Tomoya Matsumoto (Otaru University of Commerce)
Speaker: Francisco Mugyabuso Paul Mugizi (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 15:00(15m)
Afternoon Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 15:15(1h)
Ethnic Violence and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from Exposure to the 1992 Conflict in Kenya
Co-author: Yoko Kijima (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Speaker: Fredah Guantai (University of Tsukuba)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 16:15(15m)
Afternoon Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:30(1h)
Nonviolent Interference in Civic Life during Civil War: Rebel Service Provision and Postwar Norms of Interpersonal Trustworthiness in Sri Lanka
Speaker: Yuichi Kubota (University of Niigata Prefecture)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 14:00(1h)
- 17:45 → 19:15(1h 30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 7, 2018
- 10:00 → 10:30(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:30 → 12:45
Morning Session: Infrastructure, Entrepreneurship. and Economic Development
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 10:30(1h)
Roman Roads to Prosperity: Persistence and Non-Persistence of Public Goods Provision
Co-authors: Carl-JohanDalgaard (University of Copenhagen), Nicolai Kaarsen (Danish Economic Council) and Ola Olsson (University of Gothenburg)
Speaker: Pablo Selaya (University of Copenhagen) - 11:30(15m)
Morning Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:45(1h)
Entrepreneurial Skills, Production Technology Convexity, and Poverty Alleviation: An Assessment of Microfinance Interventions on the Ultra Poor
Co-authors: Abu Shonchoy (IDE-JETRO / World Bank), Kazushi Takahashi (Sophia University) and Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)
Speaker: Seiro Ito (IDE-JETRO)
- 10:30(1h)
- 12:45 → 14:00(1h 15m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:00 → 17:30
Afternoon Session: Elections, Political Behavior, and Economics Development
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:00(1h)
Social Media, Discrimination, and Politics: Field Experiments in South India
Speaker: Jun Goto (Kobe University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 15:00(15m)
Afternoon Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 15:15(1h)
Information, Overconfidence, and Ideology in Indian Elections
Co-author: Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)
Speaker: Yuko Mori (Tsuda University)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University - 16:15(15m)
Afternoon Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:30(1h)
Political Business Cycle and Tenancy Contract Choice: Evidence from Rural Java, Indonesia
Co-author: Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)
Speakers: Saumik Paul (Asian Development Bank Institute) , Rasyad Parinduri (University of Nottingham, Malaysia)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
- 14:00(1h)
August 8, 2018
- 09:00 → 09:30(30m)
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:30 → 11:00
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartA Regional Development – 1
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 09:30(30m)
Chapter 01 Britain: the Industrial Revolution and Modern Economic Growth
Speaker: Stephen Broadberry (University of Oxford) - 10:00(30m)
Chapter 02 Britain: Continental Europe: Core and Periphery
Speakers: Giovanni Federico (University of Pisa) , Andrei Markevich (New Economic School) - 10:30(30m)
Chapter 03 Tokugawa Japan and the Foundations of Modern Economic Growth in Asia
Speaker: Masakai Nakabayashi (University of Tokyo)
- 09:30(30m)
- 11:00 → 11:30(30m)
Morning Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:30 → 13:00
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartA Regional Development – 2
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 11:30(30m)
Chapter 04 The Start of the Great Divergence
Speaker: Christopher Isett (University of Minnesota) - 12:00(30m)
Chapter 05 India: From the Mughals to the Raj - 12:30(30m)
Chapter 06 South East Asia
Speaker: Jean-Pascal Bassino (ENS Lyon)
- 11:30(30m)
- 13:00 → 14:00(1h)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:00 → 16:00
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartA Regional Development – 3
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 14:00(30m)
Chapter 07 The Ottoman Empire
Speaker: Sevket Pamuk (Bogazici University) - 14:30(30m)
Chapter 08 North America
Speaker: Joshua Rosenbloom (Iowa State University) - 15:00(30m)
Chapter 09 Latin America - 15:30(30m)
Chapter 10 Africa: Slavery and the World Economy
- 14:00(30m)
- 16:00 → 16:30(30m)
Afternoon Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:30 → 17:00
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartA Regional Development – 4
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 16:30(30m)
Chapter 11 Australia: Geography and Institutions
Speaker: David Meredith (University of Oxford)
- 16:30(30m)
- 17:00 → 18:30
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartB Factors Governing Differential Outcomes in the Global Economy – 1
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 17:00(30m)
Chapter 12 Proximate Sources of Growth: Population and Human Capital
Speaker: Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University) - 17:30(30m)
Chapter 13 Proximate Sources of Growth: Capital and Technology
Speakers: Alessandro Nuvolari (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies) , Masayuki Tanimoto (University of Tokyo) - 18:00(30m)
Chapter 14 Underlying Sources of Growth: First and Second Nature Geography
Speaker: Tomoko Hashino (Kobe University)
- 17:00(30m)
- 18:30 → 19:30(1h)
Discussion over Dinner
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 9, 2018
- 08:30 → 09:00(30m)
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:00 → 10:00
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartB Factors Governing Differential Outcomes in the Global Economy – 2
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 09:00(30m)
Chapter 15 Underlying Sources of Growth: Institutions and the State
Speaker: John Wallis (University of Maryland) - 09:30(30m)
Chapter 16 Consequences of Growth: Living Standards, Inequality and Consumption
Speaker: Xu Yi (Guangxi Normal University)
- 09:00(30m)
- 10:00 → 10:30(30m)
Morning Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:30 → 12:00
Vol. I 1700 to 1870: PartB Factors Governing Differential Outcomes in the Global Economy – 3
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 10:30(30m)
Chapter 17 International Transactions: Real Trade and Factor Flows
Speakers: Carol Shiue (University of Colorado) , Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado) - 11:00(30m)
Chapter 18 International Transactions: Finance
Speakers: Rui Esteves (University of Oxford) , Pilar Nogues-Marco (University of Geneva) - 11:30(30m)
Chapter 19 Warfare and Empire
Speaker: Philip Hoffman (California Institute of Technology)
- 10:30(30m)
- 12:00 → 13:00(1h)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 13:00 → 15:00
Vol. II 1870 to 2010: PartA Regional Development – 1
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 13:00(30m)
Chapter 01 North America: the Rise of US Economic and Technological Leadership
Speaker: Paul Rhode (University of Michigan) - 13:30(30m)
Chapter 02 Western Europe: Convergence and Divergence
Speaker: Paul Sharp (University of Southern Denmark) - 14:00(30m)
Chapter 03 Eastern Europe and the USSR: the Socialist Experiment and Beyond
Speaker: Tracy Dennison (California Institute of Technology) - 14:30(30m)
Chapter 04 Japan: Modern Economic Growth in Asia
Speakers: Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University) , Tokihiko Settsu (Musashi University)
- 13:00(30m)
- 15:00 → 15:30(30m)
Afternoon Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 15:30 → 17:30
Vol. II 1870 to 2010: PartA Regional Development – 2
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 15:30(30m)
Chapter 05 China: Decline and Resurgence in East Asia
Speaker: Debin Ma (London School of Economics and Political Science) - 16:00(30m)
Chapter 06 From Free Trade to Regulation: India’s Economic Development Since 1858
Speaker: Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick) - 16:30(30m)
Chapter 07 Globalization and Economic Development in South East Asia - 17:00(30m)
Chapter 08 Decline and Resurgence in the Middle East
- 15:30(30m)
- 18:00 → 20:00(2h)
Discussion over Dinner
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 10, 2018
- 08:30 → 09:00(30m)
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:00 → 10:30
Vol. II 1870 to 2010: PartA Regional Development – 3
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 09:00(30m)
Chapter 09 Latin America: Stalled Catching-up
Speaker: Alfonso Herranz Loncan (University of Barcelona) - 09:30(30m)
Chapter 10 Africa Economic Development: Growth, Reversals and Deep Transitions - 10:00(30m)
Chapter 11 Australia: Prosperity, Relative Economic Decline and Reorientation
Speaker: Gary Magee (Monash University)
- 09:00(30m)
- 10:30 → 11:00(30m)
Morning Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:00 → 13:00
Vol. II 1870 to 2010: PartB Factors Governing Differential Outcomes in the Global Economy – 1
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 11:00(30m)
Chapter 12 Healthy, Literate and Smart: the Global Increase in Human Capital - 11:30(30m)
Chapter 13 Proximate Sources of Growth: Capital and Technology
Speaker: Rajabrata Banerjee (University of South Australia) - 12:00(30m)
Chapter 14 Underlying Sources of Growth: First and Second Nature Geography
Speaker: Toshihiro Okubo (Keio University) - 12:30(30m)
Chapter 15 Underlying Sources of Growth: Institutions and the State
Speaker: Leslie Hannah (London School of Economics and Political Science)
- 11:00(30m)
- 13:00 → 14:00(1h)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:00 → 16:00
Vol. II 1870 to 2010: PartB Factors Governing Differential Outcomes in the Global Economy – 2
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 14:00(30m)
Chapter 16 Consequences of Growth: Living Standards, inequality and Consumption
Speaker: Myung Soo Cha (Yeungnam University) - 14:30(30m)
Chapter 17 International Transactions: Real Trade and Factor Flows
Speaker: David Jacks (Simon Fraser University) - 15:00(30m)
Chapter 18 International Transactions: Finance
Speaker: Rui Esteves (University of Oxford) - 15:30(30m)
Chapter 19 War and Empire
Speakers: Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics and Political Science) , Jari Eloranta (Appalanchian State University / University of Helsinki)
- 14:00(30m)
- Airport Limousine (Bus)
Bus is not running so frequently and takes longer compared with trains, but it takes you to Palace Hotel Tachikawa via Tachikawa st. without any change from airports.
From Narita Int. Airport: ~ 3 hours, 3,600 JPY, click here for further info.
From Haneda Int. Airport: ~ 2 hours, 1,550 JPY, click here for further info. - Trains
From Narita Int. Airport: N’EX (to Tokyo st. or to Shinjyuku st. ) + JR Chuo Line, ~ 2 hours, 3,640 JPY
From Haneda Int. Airport: Tokyo Monorail + JR Yamanote Line + JR Chuo Line, ~ 1.2 hours., 1,210 JPY (to Tachikawa st.) or 1,130 JPY (to Kunitachi st.)
Between Kunitachi st. (venue) and Tachikawa st. (accommodation): one stop 3 min, 140 JPY, JR Chuo Line
From.Tokyo st.: ~ 50 min., 550 JPY (to Kunitachi st.) or 640 JPY (to Tachikawa st.), JR Chuo Line - Campus map of Hitotsubashi University
- Palace Hotel Tachikawa
All seats are reserved. Please purchase reserved seat limited express ticket to Tokyo st. or to Shinjyuku st. in addition to basic fare ticket to your final destination, Kunitachi st. (venue) or Tachikawa st. (accommodation). For further detail, please check this page.
Tokyo Monorail
It’s running almost every 4 min. in average. You can purchase a ticket to final destination, Kunitachi st. (venue) or Tachikawa st. (accommodation) at the airport by touching “Transfer Ticket” on the initial screen of the ticket machine and then “JR LINE”. For further information, please check here.
JR Yamanote Line
It’s a circular railway.
JR Chuo LIne
You should take rapid train from Tokyo st. or from Shinjyuku sto. to arrive at Kunitachi st. (venue) or Tachikawa st. (accommodation) faster, but be careful that Chuo Special Rapid does not stop at Kunitachi st. If you take Chuo Special Rapid from Tokyo st. or from Shinjyuku st., please transfer at Kokubunji st. following English announcement in the train.
Campus Map of Hitotsubashi University
Palace Hotel Tachikawa
Tachikawa st. and the hotel is connected with Pedestrian deck. It’s about 3 min. walk.
In front of the hotel, there is a bus stop of Airport Limousine from Narita and Haneda Int. airport.
Address: 2-40-15, Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0012 Japan
Phone: +81 (0)42 527 1111
Access map is here.
- イベントカテゴリー
- Hitotsubashi Summer Institute