HSI2017—3rd Hitotsubashi Summer Institute
We are very pleased to welcome you to HSI2017—3rd Hitotsubashi Summer Institute to be held from 31 July to 5 August at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan. Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) is organizing the conference on a yearly basis to strengthen the international collaboration among academics in the fields where the HIAS is now focusing on. Currently four projects are running with overall theme of “Redesigning the Global Economic System: Sustainable Development for Japan and the World”.
Program of this year is consisting of following four topics.
The Fourth Asia KLEMS Conference on 31 July & 1 August
Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Miho Takizawa (Department of Economics, Toyo University)
Tomohiko Inui (Faculty of International Social Science, Gakushuin University)
Microeconomic Theory on 1 & 2 August
Reiko Gotoh (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Daisuke Hirata (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Takashi Kunimoto (Department of Economics, Singapore Management University)
Norio Takeoka (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Takashi Ui (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
International Trade and FDI on 3 & 4 August
Jota Ishikawa (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Eiichi Tomiura (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Economic Development on 4 & 5 August
Takashi Kurosaki (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Yutaka Arimoto (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
During the event, we will be taking photos as part of effort to promote the activities of HIAS. Photos may be disclosed to the public through web sites, leaflets, and other media.
We will post a paper, abstract and slides on this site with the permission from the author. Abstract booklet will be prepared for every participant. However in order to economize on paper costs, please download the full paper and slides by yourself as much as possible. “Eduroam” is availabel at Mercury tower.
We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation for these matters.
Detailed Description of Each Session
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference
Co-organizing Institutions
Grant – in – Aid for Scientific Research (S) Grant Number 16H06322 Project “Service Sector Productivity in Japan (SSPJ): Determinants and Policies”
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
Japan Productivity Center (JPC)
Grant – in – Aid for Scientific Research (B) Grant Number 15H03351 Project “Study on the Import of Comprehensive Social Infrastructure on the Market Economy”
Gakusyuin University
Venue: Sano Shoin Hall (31 July), RIETI’s Seminar Room (1 August)
International symposium “Information Technology and the New Globalization: Asia’s Economy Today and Tomorrow” will follow this session.
Microeconomic Theory
Program is here.
International Trade and FDI
the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Grant Number 26220503 “Diverse Risk Assessment in the Global Economy from the Viewpoint of International Economics”
Thank you for your patience. The programme is fixed on 10 July. Below is an updated list of speakers and titles as of 10 July.
SWET in Hokkaido will follow this session.
Kerem Cosar (University of Virginia), “Trade Merchants, and the Lost Cities of the Bronze Age” (with Gojko Barjamovic, Thomas Chaney and Ali Hortacsu)
Reto Foellmi (University of St. Gallen), “A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product Cycles” (with Sandra Hanslin Grossmann and Andreas Kohler)
Anna Gumpert (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), “Exporters’ and Multinational Firms’ Life-Sycle Dynamics” (with Andreas Moxnes, Natalia Ramondo and Felix Tintelnot)
Shuichiro Nishioka (West Virginia University), “Import Competition, FDI and the U.S. Presidential Elections: The Case of Japan Bashing” (with Eric Olson)
David Weinstein (Columbia University), “Accounting for Micro and Macro Patterns of Trade” (with Stephen J. Redding)
Hiroyuki Kasahara (University of British Columbia), “The Cause of China’s Great Famine, 1959–1961: County-Level Evidence” (with Bingjing Li)
Jay Pil Choi (MSU & Hitotsubashi University), “Foreign Direct Investment and Transfer Pricing” (with Taiji Furusawa and Jota Ishikawa)
Economic Development—Experimental Methods in Economic Development Analysis
In recent years, various types of data are combined in empirical examination of economic development issues, with key identifying information coming from randomized experiments. Through combining traditional survey data with experimental data (lab experiments, artifactual field experiment, framed field experiment, and natural field experiment) or natural experiment events, we can deepen our understanding of the behavioral basis of economic development and the impact of development policies. Under this background, the economic development session in HSI2017 focuses on experimental methods in economic development analysis.
Program for HSI2017
July 31, 2017
- 09:00 → 09:30(30m)
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:30 → 09:40
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 09:30(10m)
Welcome Remarks
Speaker: Koichi Tadenuma (President of Hitotsubashi University)
- 09:30(10m)
- 09:40 → 10:25
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference: Opening I
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 09:40(45m)
Invited Keynote Speech:”Japan-U.S. Productivity Comparisons”
Speaker: Dale W. Jorgenson (Harvard University)
- 09:40(45m)
- 10:25 → 10:35(10m)
Morning Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:35 → 12:35
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference: Reviews of Productivity in China, India, and Japan
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 10:35(35m)
How Do China and India Compare on Growth and Productivity Performance in the Post-Reform Era 1981-2011?
Speaker: Harry X. Wu (Hitotsubashi University) - 11:10(25m)
What is New about India’s Economic Growth 1980-2015: The industry Perspective?
Speakers: K.L. Krishna (Madras Institute of Development Studies) , Deb Kusum Das (University of Delhi) - 11:35(25m)
Aggregate-level Productivity Growth in Indian Economy: An Analysis Incorporating Breakup of Formal and Informal Segments of Industries in the KLEMS Approach
Speakers: Bishwa nath Goldar (Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi) , Suresh Aggarwal (University of Delhi) - 12:00(35m)
Quality of Consumer Services: US-Japan Comparison Based on a Survey of the Willingness to Pay
Speakers: Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University) , Kenta Ikeuchi (RIETI) , Miho Takizawa (Toyo University)
- 10:35(35m)
- 12:35 → 14:00(1h 25m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University
Closed Session - 14:00 → 16:00
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference: Reviews of Productivity in the United States, Korea, and Taiwan
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 14:00(35m)
Sharing Economy in Japan and the United States
Speakers: Wendy Li (U.S. Bureau of Economics Analysis) , Makoto Nirei (University of Tokyo) , Kazufumi Yamana (Kanagawa University) - 14:35(35m)
Estimate of Total Factor Productivity and Ex-post Rates of Return by Industries in Korea (1980-2014)
Speakers: Hak K. Pyo (Seoul National University) , Hyunbae Chun (Sogang University) - 15:10(25m)
The Intelligent Investment, Capital Input and TFP of Service Sectors in Taiwan during 1990-2015 and International Comparison
Speaker: Chi-Yuan Liang (National Central University & CIER) - 15:35(25m)
Productivity Growth and Resource Reallocation Effects in Taiwan: 1981-2015
Speaker: Yih-ming Lin (National Chiayi University)
- 14:00(35m)
- 16:00 → 16:20(20m)
Afternoon Break
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:20 → 18:00
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference: Review of Productivity in Russia, and Indonesia
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University- 16:20(35m)
Sources of Long Run Growth of the Russian Economy before and after the global financial crisis
Speaker: Ilya B. Voskoboynikov (National Research University Higher School of Economics) - 16:55(35m)
Trend of the total factor productivity growth of the Indonesian economic sectors
Speaker: Maman Setiawan (Universitas Padjadjaran) - 17:30(30m)
General Discussion
- 16:20(35m)
- 18:00 → 19:30(1h 30m)
Sano Shoin, 1F-Conference Room – Sano Shoin Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 1, 2017
- 09:40 → 10:00(20m)
METI Annex, 11F-R1121 – RIETI Seminar Room
RIETI - 10:00 → 10:05
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference: Opening II
METI Annex, 11F-R1121 – RIETI Seminar Room
RIETI - 10:05 → 12:30
The 4th Asia KLEMS Conference: Review of Productivity in Malaysia, Pakistan, and Thailand
METI Annex, 11F-R1121 – RIETI Seminar Room
RIETI- 10:05(25m)
Estimation of Time-Series Supply and Use Tables to Support Analysis of Productivity Growth in Malaysia
Speaker: Mohd Yusof Saari (Universiti Putra Malaysia) - 10:30(25m)
Pakistan KLEMS Database and Productivity Measurement at the Industry Level
Speaker: Abid Aman Burki (Lahore University of Management Sciences) - 10:55(25m)
Productivity and Structural Changes in Thailand
Speaker: Surapol Srihuang (National Economic and Social Development Board) - 11:20(1h 10m)
General Discussion
- 10:05(25m)
- 12:30 → 13:30(1h)
METI Annex, 11F-R1121 – RIETI Seminar Room
RIETI - 14:00 → 14:30(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:30 → 16:30
Microeconomic Theory: Individual Choice I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:30(1h)
A Bayesian Theory of State-Dependent Utilities
Speaker: Jay Lu (UCLA) - 15:30(1h)
Impatience as Selfishness
Speaker: Norio Takeoka (Hitotsubashi University)
- 14:30(1h)
- 16:30 → 17:00(30m)
Afternoon Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 17:00 → 18:00
Microeconomic Theory: Individual Choice II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 17:00(1h)
Robust Mean-Variance Approximations
Speaker: Simone Cerreia Vioglio (Bocconi University)
- 17:00(1h)
- 18:00 → 20:00(2h)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 2, 2017
- 09:00 → 09:30(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 09:30 → 11:30
Microeconomic Theory: Interactive Beliefs
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 09:30(1h)
Equilibrium Securitization with Diverse Beliefs
with M. Piccione and S. Zhang
Speaker: Andrew Ellis (London School of Economics) - 10:30(1h)
The Existence of Universal Knowledge Spaces
Speaker: Satoshi Fukuda (UC Berkeley)
- 09:30(1h)
- 11:30 → 12:00(30m)
Morning Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 12:00 → 13:00
Microeconomic Theory: Mechanism Design I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 12:00(1h)
Price Discovery Using a Double Auction
with M.A. Satterthwaite and K.E. Zachariadis
Speaker: Steven R. Williams (University of Illinois, Urbana)
- 12:00(1h)
- 13:00 → 14:30(1h 30m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
Closed Session - 14:30 → 16:30
Microeconomic Theory: Mechanism Design II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:30(1h)
(Quasi) Linear Splitting Problem
Speaker: Takuro Yamashita (Toulouse School of Economics) - 15:30(1h)
Experimental Design as Market Design:Billions of Dollars Worth of Treatment Assignments
Speaker: Yusuke Narita (Yale University)
- 14:30(1h)
- 16:30 → 17:00(30m)
Afternoon Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 17:00 → 18:00
Microeconomic Theory: Mechanism Design III
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 17:00(1h)
Maskin Meets Abreu and Matsushima
with Yi-Chun Chen, Yifei Sun and Siyang Xiong
Speaker: Takashi Kunimoto (Singapore Management University)
- 17:00(1h)
- 18:00 → 19:00
Microeconomic Theory: Closing
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 18:00(1h)
Closing Remarks
Speaker: Reiko Gotoh (Hitotsubashi University)
- 18:00(1h)
August 3, 2017
- 09:30 → 10:00(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:00 → 11:10
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 10:00(10m)
Opening Remarks
Speaker: Jota Ishikawa (Hitotsubashi University) - 10:10(1h)
Exporters’ and Multinational Firms’ Life-Cycle Dynamics
with Andreas Moxnes, Natalia Ramona and Felix Tintelnot
Speaker: Anna Gumpert (LMU München)
- 10:00(10m)
- 11:10 → 11:30(20m)
Morning Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:30 → 12:30
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 11:30(1h)
Import Competition, FDI and the U.S. Presidential Elections: The Case of Japan Bashing
with Eric Olson
Speaker: Shuichiro Nishioka (West Virginia University)
- 11:30(1h)
- 12:30 → 14:00(1h 30m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
Closed Session - 14:00 → 15:00
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:00(1h)
Trade Merchants, and the Lost Cities of the Bronze Age
with Gojko Barjamovic, Thomas Chaney and Ali Hortacsu
Speaker: Kerem Cosar (University of Virginia)
- 14:00(1h)
- 15:00 → 15:20(20m)
Afternoon Break I
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 15:20 → 16:20
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 15:20(1h)
Foreign Direct Investment and Transfer Pricing
with Taiji Furusawa and Jota Ishikawa
Speaker: Jay Pil Choi (MSU & Hitotsubashi University)
- 15:20(1h)
- 16:20 → 16:40(20m)
Afternoon Break II
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:40 → 17:40
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 16:40(1h)
Accounting for Micro and Macro Patterns of Trade
with Stephen J. Redding
Speaker: David Weinstein (Columbia University & NBER)
- 16:40(1h)
- 18:00 → 19:30(1h 30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 4, 2017
- 09:30 → 10:00(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:00 → 11:00
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 10:00(1h)
A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product Cycles
with Sandra Hanslin Grossmann and Andreas Kohler
Speaker: Reto Foellmi (University of St. Gallen)
- 10:00(1h)
- 11:00 → 11:20(20m)
Morning Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 11:20 → 12:30
International Trade and FDI
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 11:20(1h)
The Causes of China’s Great Famine, 1959–1961: County-Level Evidence
with Bingjing Li
Speaker: Hiroyuki Kasahara (University of British Columbia) - 12:20(10m)
- 11:20(1h)
- 12:45 → 14:00(1h 15m)
Joint Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
Closed Session - 14:00 → 14:30(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 14:30 → 16:30
Economic Development: Session 1-a
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 14:30(1h)
Who Discriminates? A Study of Ingrained Discrimination
with Savitha Basri, Dipanwita Sarkar, and Jayanta Sarkar
Speaker: Subrato Banerjee (Australia India Institute, New Delhi & Queensland University of Technology) - 15:30(1h)
Simple Institutions and Social Norms to Escape Poverty Trap: Evidence from Lab and Artifactual Field Experiments in Ethiopia
with Jun Goto, Girum Abebe, and Abebaw Zefu
Speaker: Yukichi Mano (Hitotsubashi University)
- 14:30(1h)
- 16:30 → 17:00(30m)
Afternoon Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 17:00 → 18:00
Economic Development: Session 1-b
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 17:00(1h)
Creating a Toilet Habit in Kenya
with Mushfiq Mobarak and Judith Chevalier
Speaker: Johann Caro-Burnett (Hiroshima University)
- 17:00(1h)
- 18:30 → 20:00(1h 30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University
August 5, 2017
- 09:30 → 10:00(30m)
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 10:00 → 12:00
Economic Development: Session2
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University
Convener: Yutaka Arimoto (Hitotsubashi University)- 10:00(1h)
Future Design
Speaker: Tatsuyoshi Saijo (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature & Kochi University of Technology) - 11:00(1h)
Stereotypes and Information: An Experimental Study
with Tushi Paul, Tanya Rosenblat, and Qiqi Wang
Speaker: Sujoy Chakravarty (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
- 10:00(1h)
- 12:00 → 13:30(1h 30m)
Luncheon Meeting of Committee Members
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 13:30 → 15:30
Economic Development: Session3
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 13:30(1h)
Community Waste Management as Public Goods: Use of Economic Experiment as a Part of Informational Campaign
with Dalton Erick Baltazar and Kyoto Kurokawa
Speaker: Erika Seki (Osaka University) - 14:30(1h)
The Spillover Effects of Affirmative Action on Competitiveness and Unethical Behavior
with Nabanita Datta Gupta and Marie Claire Villeval
Speaker: Ritwik Banerjee (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore)
- 13:30(1h)
- 15:30 → 16:00(30m)
Afternoon Break
Mercury Tower, 7F-Hall – Mercury Tower Hall
Hitotsubashi University - 16:00 → 18:00
Economic Development: Session4
Mercury Tower, 7F-Conference Room – Mercury Tower Conference Room
Hitotsubashi University- 16:00(1h)
Historical Origins and Persistence of Altruistic Norms in Colonial India: Evidence from Natural and Field Experiments
Speaker: Jun Goto (Hitotsubashi University & GRIPS) - 17:00(1h)
Some Remarks on the Causal Inference for Historical Persistence
Speaker: Katsuo Kogure (Kyoto University)
- 16:00(1h)
Directions to the Venue and to the Accommodation
The closest station to the venue is JR Kunitachi st.
Accommodations (Palace Hotel Tachikawa, Hotel Mets Tachikawa, Tachikawa Grand Hotel) are in Tachikawa area and within walking distance from JR Tachikawa st., which is just one stop from Kunitachi st.
(map for entire area)
- From HANEDA Int. Airport to Accommodations
Access information is given here for Palace Hotel Tachikawa.
By Bus
Tachikawa bus (highway bus) will take you from the airport to Tachikawa area directly, but is not running so frequently. One way ticket costs 1,550 JPY. Puechase your ticket at bus tickets counters. Destination is “Tachikawa” and terminal No. is 4 as of July 2017. Typically, it will take 100 min but largely depends on the degree of congestion. Please alight at Tachikawa st. for people staying at Grand Hotel Tachikawa and Hotel Mets Tachikawa. Timetable
By Train
There are many routes. One example is shown here. It will take about 90 min including time to change trains. The price is 1,210 JPY for this route. Be carefull of English announcement in a train, some trains from Tokyo pass by Kunitachi st. In that case, transfer at Kokubunji st., which is 2 stops before of Kunitachi st.
Haneda Airport International Bld. — Tokyo Monorail (~20 min) –> Hamamatsu-cho — JR Yamanote Line (~10 min) –> Tokyo — JR Chuo Line (~50 min) –> Tachikawa (accommodation) or Kunitachi (venue) - From NARITA Int. Airport to Accommodations
Access information is given here for Palace Hotel Tachikawa.
By Bus
Airport limousine bus (highway bus) will take you from the airport to Tachikawa area directly, but is not running so frequently. One way ticket costs 3,600 JPY. It will take from 130 to 180 min but largely depends on the degree of congestion. Timetable to Palace Hotel Tachikawa is shown here, which also shows the location of ticket counter and bus stop No. Timetable to Grand Hotel Tachikawa is shown here, which also shows the location of ticket counter and bus stop No. People staying at Hotel Mets Tachikawa should also alight there.
By Train
There are many routes. One example is shown here. The price is 4,290 JPY for this route. All seats are reserved for Narita Express(N’EX). Be careful of English ennouncement in a train, some trains from Sinjyuku pass by Kunitachi st. In that case, transfer at Kokubunji st., which is 2 stops before of Kunitachi st.
Narirta Airport — Narita Express (~90 min) –> Shinjyuku — JR Chuo Line (~40 min) –> Tachikawa (accommodation) or Kunitachi (venue) - From Kunitachi st. to Campus
- Campus Map
Venue on 31th July: Sano Shoin Hall
Venue from 1st to 5th August: Mercury Tower 7F (Except for KLEMS session. It’s at RIETI.)
Timetable from Haneda Int. Airport
- イベントカテゴリー
- Hitotsubashi Summer Institute