SWET2017: International Economics
Date :
Sunday 6 Aug 2017, 09:30 → 17:15 Asia/Tokyo
Hokkaido University
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Grant No. 26220503, “Diverse Risk Assessment in the Global Economy from the Viewpoint of International Economics”
Jota Ishikawa (Hitotsubashi University)
Yoichi Sugita (Hitotsubashi University)
- 09:30 → 10:30(1h)
Shipping inside the Box: Containerization and Trade
Discussant: Olivia Quek (Waseda University)
Speaker: Kerem Cosar (University of Virginia) - 10:30 → 10:45(15m)
coffee break - 10:45 → 11:45(1h)
Wage Markdown and FDI Liberalization
Discussant: Anna Gumpert (LMU Munich)
Speaker: Yoichi Sugita (Hitotsubashi University) - 11:45 → 13:45(2h)
lunch - 13:45 → 14:45(1h)
The Average-Marginal Relationship and Tractable Equilibrium Forms
Speaker: Michael Fabinger (University of Tokyo) - 14:45 → 15:00(15m)
coffee break - 15:00 → 16:00(1h)
Markup Convergence, Labor Protection and Declining Labor Shares in China
Discussant: Tran Thi Trang (Hitotsubashi University)
Speaker: Shuichiro Nishioka (West Virginia University) - 16:00 → 16:15(15m)
coffee break - 16:15 → 17:15(1h)
Harmful Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade in Presence of Credit Market Frictions
Discussant: Gang Li
Speaker: Reto Foellmi (University of St. Gallen)