HSI2023-9th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: Economic Development was closed.
On June 9 – 10, 2023, a research conference, HSI2023 –9th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: Economic Development, was held. It was organized by Prof. Takashi Kurosaki (Professor at Institute of Economic Research of Hitotsubashi University) as a part of the research project “Institutions and Policies for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries” which Prof. Kurosaki takes a lead.
The conference was held in person, the first time in the past few years, under the theme of “Economic Development” at Sano Shoin Hall. A total of 10 researchers presented their research over 2 days, aiming at exploring the frontier of empirical analysis of economic development, especially the datasets and spatial methodology, and fostering the collaboration between economists and political scientists towards joint analysis of development issues.
The symposium opened with the opening remarks by Prof. KUROSAKI Takashi. After the remarks, 40 participants engaged in discussions in research presentation sessions.
Dr. TANAKA Mari, Associate Professor at Institute of Economic Research, and Dr. LI Yanjun, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor of the Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Dr. TANGVATCHARAPONG Meradee, Assistant Professor at Institute of Economic Research, presented ” Sustainable Shifting-Cultivation with Market Access: Evidence from the Peruvian Amazon (with Yoshito Takasaki and Shunsuke Tsuda)”, “Road to Crime: Expressway Connections and Child Trafficking (with Yu Bai, Xinyan Liu, and Yajie Sun)” and ” Are American Juries Racially Discriminatory? Evidence from a Quarter Million Felony Grand Jury Cases (with Mark Hoekstra and Suhyeon Oh)” respectively.
Please refer to the program at the following URL.
- Organizer: Prof. KUROSAKI Takashi
More photos for the conference can be found on the following link.
HIAS GLECS plans to hold another the Summer Institute: Microeconomic Theory in August 2023.
We look forward to your entries.